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But the pity was, that the only thing poor Peter had was a grey svitka with more holes in it than there are gold pieces in a Jew’s pocket. And that was not the worst of it, but this: that Korzh had a daughter, such a beauty as I think you can hardly have chanced to see.

A few stragglers had halted before the house at about eight o’clock on the preceding evening, and had been discussing there the dreadful tale connected with its owner. One gossip, in a sudden burst of anger, hurled a bottle of inkthen by chance in his handat the Jew’s house.

The rear portion, formed like a marvellous temple, reminded one by its appearance of that edifice of Solomon that Hiram’s carpenters, the first skilled in the art of building, erected on Zion. The Jews imitate it to this day in their schools, and the design of the schools may be traced in their taverns and stables. The roof of lath and straw was peaked, turned-up, and crooked as a Jew’s torn cap.

Meanwhile in the farmhouse they had not failed to notice that some new guest had driven up before the porch. They had already taken the horses to the stable and already, as befits an honourable house, had given them generously of oats and hay, for the Judge9 was never willing to adopt the new fashion of sending a guest’s horse to a Jew’s inn.

Minor details beyond number are introduced from the writer’s personal recollections; “even the Jew’s playing of the dulcimer the poet had heard in St.