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The solemn, yet unfettered, grace of its rhythmic respiration suggested to Alwyn, first darkness, then twilight then the gradual far-glimmering of a silvery dawn, till out of the shuddering notes there seemed to grow up a vague, vast, and cool whiteness, splendid and mystical, a whiteness that from shapeless, fleecy mist took gradual form and substance, ... the great concert-hall, with its closely packed throng of people, appeared to fade away like vanishing smoke, and lo! before the poet's entranced gaze there rose up a wondrous vision of stately architectural grandeur, a vision of snowy columns and lofty arches, upon which fell a shimmering play of radiant color flung by the beams of the sun through stained glass windows glistening jewel-wise, a tremulous sound of voices floated aloft, singing, "Kyrie Eleison!

The drops of moisture glittered jewel-wise on the dark boughs of fir and pine, and one could even discriminate the red glow of sour-wood and the golden flare of hickory, so well were the chromatic harmonies asserted in this refined and refulgent glamour. "Barton Smith!" called the sheriff, suddenly from the rear of the party. There was no answer, and Seymour felt his prophetic blood run cold.

To be sure, thought Anna, those professional masters of delay, the photographers, might be more jewel-wise than trustworthy, but what photographer could ever be so insane as to rob a detective?