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The apparition put you in mind of the Commandant's statue in Don Juan, it walked along, jerkily by fits and starts, in an awkward fashion invented in London, and cultivated in every family with patriotic care. "An Englishwoman!" he continued for Bixiou's ear. "An Englishwoman is our Waterloo. There are women who slip through our fingers like eels; we catch them on the staircase.

They could see Dinshaw exploring the beach, apparently oblivious of what had happened, or careless of the quarrels which Jarrow and Peth might have, so long as he was on his beloved island. So the watchers in the schooner gave their attention to Doc, who continued to drive the long boat ahead jerkily, working as though he expected to be pursued from ashore and prevented from gaining the Nuestra.

His shoulders and his ears were twitching. "You're greedy. That's bad. But, of course, you're a peasant," Chelkash said musingly. "But see what one can do with money!" cried Gavrilo, suddenly breaking into passionate excitement, and jerkily, hurriedly, as though chasing his thoughts and catching his words as they flew, he began to speak of life in the village with money and without money.

They were stretched in front of it trying to make a smoke serve instead of supper. Mac broke a gloomy silence to grunt out jerkily a situation he could no longer keep to himself. "Here's where I get my walking papers I reckon. No rustlers need apply." Curly shot a slant glance at him. "Meaning the girl?" The redheaded puncher nodded. "She'll throw me down sure. Why shouldn't she?

"Have a good time!" he shouted after them, as they plunged out of sight, somewhat jerkily, for Thomas, who had not driven a great deal, was not a master of gear-shifting. His mother looked at him anxiously. "I can't help feelin' you're up to some deviltry, Austin," she said uneasily, "though I don't know just what 'tis. I'm kinder nervous about this plan of them goin' off to Wallacetown."

Above the writhing smoke, now stained pink in the sunset light, a flag crept jerkily up the halyards of a tall flag-staff, higher, higher, until it caught the evening wind aloft and floated lazily out. "It's the new flag," whispered Elerson, in an awed voice. We stared at it, fascinated. Never before had the world seen that flag displayed.

With an effort she raised herself, leaning against him. "What happened? Were you hurt? Your face is all bleeding!" "It's nothing!" he said jerkily. "It's nothing!" She took his handkerchief in her trembling hand and wiped the blood away. She said no more of any sort. Only when she gave it back to him her eyes were full of tears.

Dale hesitated a moment to make sure of his bearings. "Well, then, come along. I know where that is. And you forget 'bout your Cynthia. You've got another doll, haven't you? If you haven't, you just ask Santa Claus for one. Why, say, kiddo, what's this? You lame?" For the little girl skipped jerkily at his side.

He was a rather grumpy individual, very busy with pencil and notebook over some freight; but he favoured us with his attention long enough to point with his pencil and say jerkily, "Young's? See that red house on the hill? That's it." The red house was about a quarter of a mile from the station, and we saw it plainly. Accordingly, to the red house we betook ourselves.

She was not his aunt by any tie of blood she was a faraway cousin only; but ever since his babyhood he had addressed her by that title. "I sent for you," she said at last, speaking jerkily and hurriedly, as if the effort were almost more than she could bear "I sent for you to tell the General what you yourself telegraphed to me last night."