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He was just going to speak when she went on: "But you've got past that now the panic stage, the pastime stage, the cynical stage " "I suppose you're thinking of those last Edinburgh lectures? They're the furthest I have got yet. I believe they are a very clever piece of work, a sort of high-water mark. But there are so many pulls to jerk us back from the high-water mark, don't you think?

He was climbing up from the dining-room. Robert heard his tread on the stairs heavy, stumbling footsteps such as one would expect from a dragon on a narrow, twisting staircase. They came nearer and nearer, and with every thud Robert seemed to be lifted with a jerk from the depths in which he was lying, and to be aware of his body stiffening in terror.

For the sake of clearness, however, some basis of classification must be adopted, and that of subject, though rough and inadequate, will be understood, perhaps, most readily. With a jerk a taxicab stops in the street outside. We hear the sound of quick footsteps along the stone-flagged passage, with a rattle of the handle the door swings wide open and Mr. Belloc is in the middle of the room.

"You go for the lynch-pins!" He swept past, Polly in hand. "Forgive me, Jenny!" he cried; and thrust home. A spout of blood seemed to darken the sky, and deluge all. The wain brought up with a dreadful jerk. "Home, sir, if you can!" shouted Piper from his loop-hole. "Here's the Grannydears!" "Kit!" bawled the Parson. "Where are you?" The lad crept out from under the wain. "Got the lynch-pins?"

"Our professional labours have been very heavy lately," spoke up the painless one. "What's biting you fellows?" demanded Baker. "There's nobody here." Waller indicated Bob by a barely perceptible jerk of the head. Baker threw back his head and laughed. "Thought you knew him," said he. "You were all having such a love feast gab-fest when I blew in. This is Mr.

The latter came to himself with a jerk, looked fixedly at the audience, caught sight of the speaker, remembered having seen him before, forgot that he had been asleep, and concluded that it must have been on some previous day. Hammer, hammer, hammer, went the gavel, and "I've seen you before, sir!" "You have not," said the man.

He began to back up, for the sand ahead was too deep for a turn, and the way he managed the huge car along that narrow ridge aroused the admiration of Ajo, who alone was able to witness the marvelous performance. Slowly, with many turns, they backed to the road, where Maurie swung the ambulance around and then stopped with a jerk that drew several groans from the interior of the car.

Presently, he was conscious of a slight numbness at his wrists, a barely perceptible tingling in his knees and knuckles. His heart was fluttering, and his temples pulsed pleasurably. He glanced toward the glittering pyramids of glasses, and for a fraction of time they seemed to shift in unison a foot to the right, returning immediately to their original position with a jerk.

Lenox there caught him in the collar an' gin him a jerk that'd 'a' landed him on his back," said Dick, "if," turning to John, "you hadn't helt holt of him. You putty nigh broke his neck. He went off he, he, he, he, ho! wrigglin' it to make sure." "I used more force than was necessary, I'm afraid," said Billy Williams's pupil, "but there wasn't much time to calculate."

Lieutenant Trent looked at the sidewalk astounded, for, where he had stood hay the broken pieces of a cookstove that had been hurled from the roof two stories above. "That mass of iron fell right where I was standing," muttered Trent. "Darrin, I wondered why on earth you should jerk me back and lay me out in that unceremonious fashion.