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Whereby, in the Affairs of England, there has, as it were, universal St.-Vitus's dance supervened, at an important crisis: and the Preparations for America, and for a downright Life-and-Death Wrestle with France on the JENKINS'S-EAR QUESTION, are quite in a bad way. In an ominously bad. Why cannot we draw a veil over these things!"

That he offered himself for that object, and would be charmed to help in it; but that he was fixed to stop there. And of the JENKINS'S-EAR question, generous England will say nothing? Next to nothing; hopes a modicum of putty and diplomatic varnish may close that troublesome question, which springs, meanwhile, in the centre of the world!

Jenkins's Ear, proved to be bad shall we say, or good? intolerable to England's thick skin; and brought matters to a crisis, in the ways we saw."... The Jenkins's-Ear Question, which then looked so mad to everybody, how sane has it now grown to my Constitutional Friend!

Or shall it be Spain's for arrogant-torpid sham-devotional purposes, contradictory to every Law? Shall there be a Yankee Nation, shall there not be; shall the New World be of Spanish type, shall it be of English? Issues which we may call immense. Among the then extant Sons of Adam, where was he who could in the faintest degree surmise what issues lay in the Jenkins's-Ear Question?

Compared with which all these fine "Victories in Flanders" are a bottle of moonshine. But had to be given up again, in exchange for the Netherlands, when Peace came. Alas, your Majesty! Would it be quite impossible, then, to go direct upon your own sole errand, the JENKINS'S-EAR one, instead of stumbling about among the Foreign chimney-pots, far and wide, under nightmares, in this terrible manner?

Question Third, French-English Canada Question, is no other than, under a new form, our old friend the inexorable JENKINS'S-EAR QUESTION; soul of all these Controversies, and except Silesia and Friedrich's Question the one meaning they have!