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Finster's mind, or the lack on't, and I had to stand it, likewise so did Jenette. But I never sot a foot into Tom Finster's house, not a foot after that day that Jenette left it. I wouldn't. But I took her right to my house, and kep her for 9 weeks right along, and wuz glad to. That wuz some 10 years prior and before this, and she had gone round sewin' ever sense.

But Jenette is, and always wuz, runnin' over with common sense, and she always made fun and laughed at Joe when he got to talkin' about his religion, and about settin' a time for the world to come to a end.

And then she ketched a sight of the alpacker dress Jenette wuz a-makin' and she said "that basks had gone out." But Trueman's wife ground her right down on it. "Basks wuz out, fer she knew it, she had all her new ones made polenay." And then Mother Charnick flared right up and took Jenette's part.

Jenette is fixin' a new dress for me to wear to the weddin' with a bask," sez she with emphasis. And es she said it, they say she stooped down and gathered some sprigs of thoroughwert, a-mentionin' how much store she set by it for sickness. But if she did, Trueman's wife didn't sense it, she wuz dumbfoundered and sot back by the news. And she left my home and board the week before the weddin'.

A good many said that Miss Charnick got dresses a purpose for Jenette to make, so's to keep her there. Jenette wouldn't stay there a minute only when she wuz to work, and as they always kep a good, strong, hired girl, she knew when she wuz needed, and when she wuzn't.

It wuz made of a white book muslin, and Jenette Finster made it. Cut it out by one of his mother's nightgowns so she told me in confidence, and of course I tell it jest the same; I want it kep. She was afraid Joe wouldn't like it, if he knew she took the nightgown for a guide, wantin' it, as he did, for a religious purpose.

But Jenette is, and always wuz, runnin' over with common sense, and she always made fun and laughed at Joe when he got to talkin' about his religion, and about settin' a time for the world to come to a end.

And she told Jenette, and Jenette told me, so's I know it is true, "that she might go right on, and get the parasol cover, and the trimmins to the dresses, cambrick, and linin' and things, and hooks and eyes." And Miss Charnick didn't prepare no robe.

And he changed his will, that had gi'n Jenette half the property, a good property, too, and gi'n it all to Tom, every mite of it, all but one dollar, which Jenette never took by my advice. For I wuz burnin' indignant at old Mr. Finster and at Tom.

She had got along in years, Jenette had, without marryin', for she staid to hum and took care of her old father and mother and Tom. The other girls married off, and left her to hum, and she had chances, so it wuz said, good ones, but she wouldn't leave her father and mother, who wuz gettin' old, and kinder bed-rid, and needed her.