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"Your minister, the old feller, is nothing, compared with ours, Mr. Barker." "Well, brothers," said Cassius, "I don't see the use of your jawing about it. But I say Paul had better come to our meeting the very name, Universalist, signifying the same with Catholic, as I was telling Paul yesterday, while a-fishing, and as our minister said."

On her feet were a pair of well worn bedroom slippers. The big toe of her right foot had pushed its way through the end of one of them. "I say, Cousin Frank, are you awake? I've been here for hours, dropping small stones on your head, so as to rouse you up. I daren't make any noise, for they're still jawing away inside and I was afraid they'd hear me.

The country club, when I walked up its lawn, was noisy with the hammering and jawing of its decoration committee. Out in the glass belvedere, like superior goods on display, taking it easy while every one else worked, I saw a group of young matrons of the smart set, Ina Vandeman among them, drinking tea. The open play she was making at Worth troubled me a little.

"Mr Fordyce," he said, "it's no use my jawing to you, because you can knock me flat at that game; and of course old Moke there" this was Master Donkin's unhappy but inevitable designation among his friends "is too thick to argue with a stuffed rabbit; but you had better come down some time and see the place that's all."

"Everything. We've just had a week of term, and I've been in extra once already for doing practically nothing, and I've got a hundred lines, and Kennedy's been slanging me for lighting the stove. How was I to know he didn't want it lit? Wish I was fagging for somebody else." "All the while you're jawing," said Phipps, "there's a letter for you on the mantelpiece, staring at you?" "So there is.

"Leaving car unattended. An infernal swindle, when you think of the loose carts outside every pub in the county. I was jawing with the police for an hour, but it's no use. They've got it all their own way, and we're helpless." Hereupon I told him my tale, and for proof, as we topped the hill, pointed out the little group round my car. All supreme emotion is dumb.

'It's no good jawing, said Nidderdale; 'let's get the money. Then Montague offered to undertake the debt himself, saying that there were money transactions between him and his partner. But this could not be allowed.

The two of 'em just got to jawing in Hart's store about which was the best of two brands of plug tobacco Hart being behind the counter, and Charley, who had a bad jag on, setting out in the middle of the store on a nail-kag and the first thing anybody knowed, Charley'd let go with his derringer through his pants-pocket and Hart was done for.

"Judith, I tell you that I never breathed a word." "I know better. Scott wouldn't be such a fool. And he told me not an hour ago that Charleton said you'd given me away. And, anyhow, I think more of Scott Parsons than I do of you and Dad put together! He's not always jawing at me. He thinks I'm just right as I am." Douglas drew himself up, angry and offended.

A three-horse sledge from the post-station is there also. A yard-porter muffled up and pinched with cold is sheltering behind the corner of the house. 'And what's the good of all this jawing? thinks the footman who sits in the hall weary and haggard.