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I proposed to Anna a little trip to Lough Neagh in a jaunting car. "No, dear, it's no use; I want to mind it jist as Jamie and I saw it years an' years ago. I see it here in th' corner jist as plain as I saw it then; forby Antrim wud never get over th' shock of seein' me in a jauntin' car." "Then I'll tell you of a shorter journey. You have never seen the Steeple.

Then came a double row of young men carrying flags and banners fine, clean-limbed lads such as make a woman's heart leap to look at them. Then came Martin in a jaunting car with a cheering crowd alongside of him, trying to look cheerful but finding it fearfully hard to do so. I was crying like a child at the sight of it all, but none the less I was supremely happy.

I've been practizing in me room. It's as easy as rolling off a jaunting car." "No, Mac, old man. Go to bed again," pleaded Fred. "Not till I show ye, me boy, one of the most beautiful feats of agility " "Come off, Mac, I say," cried Fred, catching the Irishman around the waist. "I'll come nothing!

We took a vehicle which the people call a jaunting car; it is a square open carriage with two side seats and a door behind; and is drawn by one horse. Two easy steps and a door easily opened let you in and out when you please. The car holds four persons. The driver has a seat in front, and under it he tied our carpet bag.

I was waiting for the jaunting car which was to carry me to town, when my ugly friend heaved in sight, and, finding a man in civilian dress with the undeniable air of the barrack-yard upon him, and being, as I guess, a little short-sighted, he saluted me as he would have saluted an officer in passing.

I thought maybe he was going to the doctor's." Marilla's lips twitched understandingly. She had expected Mrs. Rachel up; she had known that the sight of Matthew jaunting off so unaccountably would be too much for her neighbor's curiosity. "Oh, no, I'm quite well although I had a bad headache yesterday," she said. "Matthew went to Bright River.

Depend upon it, her father went to meet her when he left the hotel at Berlin, and they're jaunting off on their travels together all right." "I don't believe it!" she cried stormily. "Anne would have written to me again and again, rather than let me endure this suspense. And if one letter went astray it's impossible that they all should. But you I can't understand you, Maurice!

For the rest their costumes were the undistinguished chaps, spurs, shirt, neckerchiefs, and gauntlets of the range. With one distinction, however: these were better armed than the average cow-puncher jaunting to town for the quarterly spree. Revolver butts peeped from the holsters of their loosely hung cartridge belts.

And then, as young Fitzgerald was questioning the so-named gangmen as to the instructions they had received, a jaunting car came up to the foot of the hill. "We war to wait for the ongineer," Shawn Brady had said, "an' shure an' we have waited." "An' here's one of Misther Carroll's cars from Mallow," said Thady Molloy, "and that's the ongineer hisself."

This time I was mounted on a fleet-footed pony, which gave me an advantage over the beggars. One friend rode beside me; the others were, as usual, on a jaunting car. The "Gap" is a long, dark, rocky pass, with a noisy stream, called the Loe, rushing through it. On the right, are the mountains called the Reeks; on the left, the Toomies, and the "Purple Mountain."