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"He used to go to school with us at Oak Hall, and then he had to leave, and after that he and a fellow named Jasniff robbed Mr. Wadsworth's jewelry works." "Oh, yes, Roger told me about that. You fellows followed the rascals to Cave Island, didn't you?" "Yes, and we caught Jasniff, but Merwell got away." "Then why not have him locked up right now?" demanded Bert.

"If possible, we must place this young scamp where that fellow Jasniff is, behind the bars." "I wish they could arrest Haskers, too," sighed Dave. "I don't see how we can we have no charge against him," answered the manufacturer. It was about three o'clock when Roger and Phil came in.

But he likewise made some enemies, including Nick Jasniff, a very passionate fellow, who always wanted to fight, and Link Merwell, the son of a rich ranchowner of the West. Jasniff ran away from school, while under a cloud, and Merwell, after making serious trouble for Dave and his chums, was expelled.

"A letter?" "Yes. You'd never guess who it was from." "Gus Plum?" "No, Link Merwell." "Link Merwell!" exclaimed our hero, in surprise. "What did he write to you about, Nat? Not that diamond robbery?" "Oh, no, he had precious little to say about that, for he must know I knew he and Jasniff were guilty. He wrote about you.

"If you caught Merwell you would have to appear in court against him, and you know what a lot of trouble you had appearing against Jasniff;" and this statement was true. "Oh, let them go!" cried Phil. "Say," he added, "did you hear what Link said about bleeding his dad for money? Isn't he the limit!" "That proves he isn't working for a living," remarked Dave.

It was Dave, aided by his chums, who got on the track of the robbers, who were none other than Jasniff and Merwell, and trailed them to the South and then to sea, as told in "Dave Porter on Cave Island." After many startling adventures the jewels were recovered and the thieves were caught. But, at the last minute, Link Merwell managed to escape.

"And to think that he told me he was going to reform!" "That sort of a chap doesn't reform," asserted Roger. "Oh, I don't know. Gus Plum reformed." "Yes, but Plum isn't like Merwell, or Jasniff. He was simply overbearing. These other fellows are downright dishonest." The four boys walked back to the automobile, and soon they were returning to the hotel at which Bert was staying.

"He may be sticking to Link because Link has money he gets it from his parents, who don't want to see him caught and sent to prison, as was the case with Jasniff. I think Job Haskers was always a good sponge when it came to getting something out of other people." "Maybe you are right. Oh, I hope we don't meet them on this trip!" And Laura shuddered; she could not exactly tell why.

That was a lively term at Oak Hall, for some newcomers tried to run athletic and other matters to suit themselves, and in addition Link Merwell and Nick Jasniff became students at a rival academy only a short distance away.

"For if he was around at all, some of the school fellows would be sure to hear of him. Say, he certainly was a bad egg." "Yes, but not as bad as Nick Jasniff," said Dave. "I am glad they locked that fellow up. He was an out-and-out criminal." "Let us drop those fellows and get back to this lost mine," interrupted Phil.