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Come over here and give us a kiss." He jerked from his pocket a dull lump, one of the smaller, richer nuggets. "I'm no pincher; come across and I'll give you a whole handful of gold!" His tone was playful. But Jarrold cut in less playfully: "Leave her alone, Brodie," he advised. "She don't cotton to you, and, what's more, whose gold is it, anyhow? We ain't divided yet.

Jaguars, black. Janson, E.W., on the proportions of the sexes in Tomicus villosus; on stridulant beetles. Japan, encouragement of licentiousness in. Japanese, general beardlessness of the; aversion of the, to whiskers. Jardine, Sir W., on the Argus pheasant. Jarrold, Dr., on modifications of the skull induced by unnatural position. Jarves, Mr., on infanticide in the Sandwich Islands.

"Let me go!" she cried, trying to jerk away from him. "Easy does it," said Jarrold. "Easy kid! I'm of a notion I've seen that face of yours somewheres." "Never mind the kid," Brodie was growling savagely. "It's Gratton first. Out with him, Benny." The others bore down upon Gratton.

Rather well by sight and reputation, a good-for-nothin' scalawag, as Jim catalogued him, name of Steve Jarrold. The door closed after them and Jim went back to his bench. In the house they were waiting for Gloria.

Jarrold, from the moment she set eyes on him, liked the big kindly-faced boy who treated her like a lady, and who stood awkwardly blushing and silent in the middle of the nursery listening to the tiny child's proffers of affection. For whatever kind of love it is that boys are capable of, Harold had fallen into it. 'Calf-love' is a thing habitually treated with contempt.