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Certainly, if a man is too fond of paradox, if he is flighty and empty, if, instead of striking those fifths and sevenths, those harmonious discords, often so much better than the twinned octaves, in the music of thought, if, instead of striking these, he jangles the chords, stick a fact into him like a stiletto.

Somewhere forward a bugle blares; somewhere rearward a bell jangles. On the deck overhead is a scurry of feet. In the mysterious bowels of the ship a mighty mechanism opens its metal mouth and speaks out briskly. Later it will talk on steadily, with a measured and a regular voice; but now it is heard frequently, yet intermittently, like the click of a blind man's cane.

Across the silent waste an engine bell jangles; the puff of steam ceases; the one plashing paddle-wheel at the stern is still; the lights glide more and more slowly; with a great crash and rumble, that is answered by the echoing woods, the anchor-chain runs out its short measure, and the steamer stops. Gently the pot-hunter's paddle dipped again, and the pirogue moved back towards the lugger.

The swamp pheasants are whooping and gurgling, and that semi-migratory fellow, the spangled drongo a flattering name, for he jangles but does not spangle sits on the slim branch of the Moreton Bay ash which held last year's nest and chatters discordances in the very ears of his responsive mate.

Wheeler's headquarters was some of the worst road ever traveled. Part of it lay through deep valleys, where the sun was visible scarcely more than an hour at noontime, and the wet, fetid soil was tramped into a muck of malarial slime under foot of the mules and men. The jungle became ranker, the Spanish bayonets longer and their barbs sharper in these low bottom jangles.

No not from my own brother, who is in a Pennsylvania regiments." Ephum shuffled out, and his heart was lead as he closed the store that night. Mr. Hopper has boarded a Fifth Street car, which jangles on with many halts until it comes to Bremen, a German settlement in the north of the city. At Bremen great droves of mules fill the street, and crowd the entrances of the sale stables there.

"Celestin has already sold fifty to passers-by, and sixty to regular customers." "Ah!" exclaimed Cesar. The poor man, bewildered by the clash of bells which misery jangles in the ears of its victims, lived and moved in a dazed condition.

No not from my own brother, who is in a Pennsylvania regiments." Ephum shuffled out, and his heart was lead as he closed the store that night. Mr. Hopper has boarded a Fifth Street car, which jangles on with many halts until it comes to Bremen, a German settlement in the north of the city. At Bremen great droves of mules fill the street, and crowd the entrances of the sale stables there.

Wild, high jangles of smashing glass cut a sharp note into the frightful roaring. Ahead of me a great cornice crushed a man as if he were a maggot a laborer in overalls on his way to the Union Iron Works, with a dinner pail on his arm. "Everywhere men were on all fours in the street, like crawling bugs. Still the sickening, dreadful swaying of the earth continued.

The shire patriotically jangles her half-dozen bells in the steeples at daylight in honor of Liberty, and then gives Liberty a stick of candy and a bag of peanuts, and tells her to sit in the shade and keep her eye out sharp for the crowding events of the annual firemen's muster.