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The sun had gone down behind the trees in the blue distance, and he was just a trifle stiff and chilly. He was barely conscious of these things, when the voice of young Mr. Janes startled him broad awake. 'It is dangerous, said Mr. Janes; 'it is seriously dangerous. 'Silly boy! said Gertrude, in a voice half mocking and half caressing.

Ruff gazed down at her with great disapproval and even disappointment. "Say, did you have some fool idee I was a-goin' to kill you?" he queried, gruffly. "I'm afraid I did," faltered Carley. Her relief was a release; it was so strange that it was gratefulness. "Wal, I reckon I wouldn't have hurt you. None of these flop-over Janes for me!... An' I'll give you a hunch, Pretty Eyes.

'You come with me? said Paul to the young Bostonian when the terminus was reached, and the final adieux had been said amongst the rest. 'Well, no, said Mr. Janes. 'I am a little out of sorts for some reason or another, and I think that I'll go home. 'Well, then, said Paul, 'I go with you. It's all the same; but I have something to say to you.

I think all these reverend gentlemen who insist on the word "obey" in the marriage service should be removed for a clear violation of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution, which says there shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude within the United States. As I gave these experiences to Bishop Janes he laughed heartily, and asked me to repeat them to each newcomer.

Kate Waller Barrett, Mrs. Elizabeth Grannis, among American delegates, Miss Elizabeth Janes of England, Miss Elizabeth Gad of Denmark, Dr. Agnes Bluhm of Germany, and others interested in the moral welfare of girls, urged upon the Council action against the "White Slave" traffic.

Janes, rocking herself with irregular motion, as she sat close to the stove. "Got back some time in the fall, I believe?" "Yes'm," said Miss Rebecca, with an undue sense of guilt and conviction. "We've been to the installation over to the East Parish, an' thought we'd stop in; we took this road home to see if 't was any better. How is the Miss Brays gettin' on?"

Very few men are indispensable to their fellows, and certainly, as far as making the rafts was concerned, it would have been far more serious if Abraham Janes, the carpenter, had taken it into his head to throw himself overboard than that Cornelys Jensen had taken it into his head to do so. Yet, in a manner, too, we missed Cornelys Jensen.

Lady Janes and Lady Sarahs had been hard upon him, till he learned to buckle himself into triple armour when he went amongst them, and yet he wanted a wife; no man more sorely wanted one. The reader will perhaps remember how he went down to Nuncombe Putney in quest of a wife, but all in vain.

When my walk was finished I had luncheon, and after luncheon I lay down on a chair upon the veranda and fell asleep there. I awoke at the moment when Mr. Janes was telling you that it was dangerous. I had not the courage to break in upon a conversation so intimate, and may I say it? so familiar. I could not get away without a risk of being seen, and so I stayed where I was.

It won't keep, Janes, and whether you and I like it or no, it has to be spoken. 'Oh, said Janes, 'that sounds serious! 'Come to the Rue Castiglione with me, Paul answered, 'and I will tell you exactly how serious it is. 'Very well, the younger man answered, and Paul having chartered a fiacre, they drove home together.