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"I kep' my pledge ter yer, though." He spoke gruffly, because the sight of her was burning him up too, with another kind of thirst. "I went an' hed myself jailed. I reckon hit won't hardly master me ergin fer a spell." Alexander felt a lump rising in her throat. Since her awakening she had not missed the meaning of that look in his eyes.

No man of Southern sympathies could stand for office. Courts in session were broken up with the bayonet. Civil authority was overthrown. Destruction of property, indemnity assessments on innocent men, arrests, imprisonment, and murder became of daily occurrence. Ministers were jailed and lately prisons had even been prepared for disloyal women.

The voice was Mathilde's, and I saw Doltaire shrug a shoulder and look with malicious amusement at the Intendant. Bigot himself sat pale and furious. "Discover the intruder," he said to Gabord, who was standing near, "and have him jailed." But the Governor interfered. "It is some drunken creature," he urged quietly. "Take no account of it."

At this I took up the tale, explaining that they were desperate characters, and had used such terrible language against his sacred majesty the king that, as a loyal officer, I had sworn they should not speak again until they were safely jailed in St. Malo.

But the biographer contradicted his own beautiful portrait by telling how poor Pierre sang once too well to a married woman, whose husband took him, jailed him, and pierced his linnet tongue.

You ought to be a happy man, and act like one; instead you act as if you were about to be jailed." He caught his breath with a sort of gasp. Then, after a pause and without looking up, he asked slowly: "Jailed? What in the world made you say that, Ros?" "I said it because you act as if you were bound for state's prison instead of the matrimonial altar. George, what IS troubling you?"

I say the man is criminally liable, and should be jailed if he lives to get back to town." Lee's mind was off now on another tangent. "Suppose it is true?" she asked herself. "Suppose he has fallen sick away up there, miles and miles from any nurse or doctor " "There's something queer about the whole business," pursued Gregg. "For instance, who is this assistant he's got?

During the recent session of court, ten men had been confined in this narrow space, without room enough for them to lie down together. The cage in the room above, a little larger, had for tenant a person who was jailed for some misunderstanding about an account, and who was probably innocent from the jailer's statement. This box is a wretched residence, month after month, while awaiting trial.

We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: The moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies.

Papers were suppressed or censored; free speech was denied; men were conscripted against will and conscience; constitutions were thrust aside; laws "slumbered"; writers and thinkers were jailed for their opinions; food was rationed; industries were controlled all in the interest of "winning the war."