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But mark the end of it! I could have wished 'Pr'ythee, Jackey, mind this, we 'mind the significant we, had not engaged to the good neighbourhood, at Sir Simon's, for to-morrow night. 'Why, does the good neighbourhood, and does Sir Simon, permit thy visits, child?

After incredible hardships, Mr Kennedy and his companion reached Escape River, twenty miles from Cape York, where they were attacked by a party of natives, while entangled in a scrub, and the gallant leader of the expedition fell a victim to their ferocity. Three spears had entered his body, and Jackey Jackey, in simple but touching words, describes his last moments.

What a sad case, thought I, should I be in, if I were as naughty as she thinks me! It was bad enough as it was. Jackey, said my lady, come, let us go to dinner. She said to her woman, Do you, Beck, help Pamela to 'tend us; we will have no men-fellows. Come, my young lady, shall I help you off with your white gloves? I have not, madam, said I, deserved this at your ladyship's hands. Mrs.

Our Jackey in London once looked at me with astonishment, on my happening to say to him in a joke, you ARE A LIAR. I assure you I had much to do before I could pacify him. If one may form a judgment of the character of the whole nation, from such little circumstances as this, I must say this rooted hatred of the word liar appears to me to be no bad trait in the English.

The woman was ready to flutter with vexation; and Lord Jackey laughed as if he would burst his sides: G d d n me, Beck, said he, you'd better let her alone to my lady here for she'll be too many for twenty such as you and I! And then he laughed again, and repeated I can't scold, quoth-a! but, by gad, miss, you can speak d d spiteful words, I can tell you that! Poor Beck, poor Beck!

'Very true; any dress is good enough, I'm sure, for such company as admire thee, child, for a companion, in thy ruined state! Jackey, Jackey, mind, mind, again! more fine things still! I count every hour of this little absence for a day! 'There's for you! Let me repeat it' I count every hour of this little absence for a day! 'Mind, too, the wit of the good man!

We proceeded along the creek by which we had encamped the night before; the water was brackish. We attempted to go through some mangroves to the beach, but did not succeed. October 13. Jackey, Taylor, and myself took three horses, and tried to get to the beach more to the northward than yesterday.

Jackey then took us through a dense scrub for some distance, when we came on open swampy ground about half a mile wide; on the opposite side there was more scrub, close to which there were three large ant-hills; Jackey took us up to the centre one, five yards from which poor Kennedy fell; against this ant-hill Jackey placed him when he went after the saddlebags.

The tale of his sufferings and those of his party has already been read and sympathised over by hundreds, and it would ill become me to add anything to the artless narrative of the faithful and true-hearted Jackey, who having tended his last moments, and closed his eyes, was the first, perhaps the most disinterested, bewailer of his unhappy fate. I started with Mr.

Then the captain got angry, and repeated his command louder, and the body was almost jerked in board. "Carry him to my cabin; and uncover his face." By this time nothing could surprise Jackey Tar. Four sailors executed the order promptly. "Bosen, pipe to duty."