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"Ja, let me just tell you that your brothers and their wives will be the first to put their foot down on that the youngest should get twice as much as they." "What do you care? And, anyways, ma, they don't need to know. What they don't know don't hurt them. Don't tell them, ma; just don't tell them. Ain't I the only girl, and the baby too? Haven't I got the chance to, raise them all up in society?

This despotism should not prevail against me. When the free, easy and enlightened American among the effete and crumbling monarchies of Europe shrieks for hard-boiled eggs, they must be produced, though the House of Hapsburg should reel, stumble and totter. I said on the third morning, "Haben Sie ein hot Feuer in your kitchen?" Ja. "And hot Wasser?" Ja.

So they runs poor Jim's near wheel right up agin that bank and upsets the whole concern, as neat as needs be, over agin that bit o' bog. Anybody hurt? Well, yes: they was all what you might call shook. Mr. Bell, he had his arm broke, and a foreign chap from the diamond-fields, he gets killed outright, and Jim himself had his head cut open. It was a bad business, you bet, and rough upon Jim. Ja!"

He suspended his knitting for a moment, gave me a fat, flabby hand, and a grin which disclosed a mouthful of yellow teeth. "Ja, you koom for a good time, and, by and by, a good ship," says he. "Yoost trust the Swede he treat you right." So he sent my bag upstairs to a room, accepted my money for safekeeping, and I set up the drinks for the house. What? Give him my money for safekeeping? Of course.

Dave Cowan affected to be overcome with confusion, while Minna laughed loud and long at her sally. Herman laughed with her, his head back and huge red beard lifted from his chest. "She got you that time, mister!" he called to Dave. "Mamma's a bright one, give her a minute so she gits herself on the spot!" "Ja! Sprechen sie English?" taunted Minna again, for a second relish of her repartee.

If they're good, and will hold together, this lop wont hurt her," observed D . "Ja, goot; but ze vater ville come into moin praam. Moin Got!" The fellow was glad to take his dollars and his leave, and, as soon as he did so, we shaped our course for the Skaw Point, the most northerly headland of Denmark.

Carelessly, smilingly he picked up Petersen's dog-whip, which lay coiled on the bar; thoughtfully he weighed it. The lash was long, but the handle was short and thick, and its butt was loaded with shot; it had much the balance of a black-jack a weapon not unknown to Mr. Hyde. "Pretty soft for you mail-men." The former speaker grinned. "Ja! Pretty soft. Aye bet Aye have good tam dis trip.

"And you were there, Hans?" I asked him once. "Ja," he said, "but I did not stay." "You ran away?" "Ja," Hans would answer, laughing, "run avay. I love peace, Tavid. Dot is vy I come here, and now," bitterly, "and now ve haf var again once."

There were two or three men in the place when Farnham entered. He waited until they were gone, and then said: "Bolty, have you two dozen repeating rifles?" "Ja wohl! Aber, Herr Gott, was machen Sie denn damit?" "I don't know why I shouldn't tell you. They think there may be a riot in town, and they tell me at the City Hall that everybody must look out for himself.

Byrne sniffed. "What do I smell, Marie?" he demanded. "Surely not sausages!" Marie dimpled. It was an old joke, to be greeted as one greets an old friend. It was always sausages. "Sausages, of a truth fat ones. "But surely not with mustard?" "Ach, ja englisch mustard." Stewart and Boyer had gone on ahead. Marie laid a detaining hand on Byrne's arm. "I was very angry with you to-day." "With me?"