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Well, damn it all, I can’t stay here to be their keeper, can I? I’ve finished what I had to do, and I am going. Do you imagine I am jealous of Dmitri, that I’ve been trying to steal his beautiful Katerina Ivanovna for the last three months? Nonsense, I had business of my own. I finished it. I am going. I finished it just now, you were witness.” “At Katerina Ivanovna’s?”

Fyodor Pavlovitch’s position at the time made him specially eager for any such enterprise, for he was passionately anxious to make a career in one way or another. To attach himself to a good family and obtain a dowry was an alluring prospect. As for mutual love it did not exist apparently, either in the bride or in him, in spite of Adelaïda Ivanovna’s beauty.

Alyosha felt instinctively that a character like Katerina Ivanovna’s must dominate, and she could only dominate some one like Dmitri, and never a man like Ivan. Alyosha could not help believing that of Ivan. And now all these doubts and reflections flitted through his mind as he entered the drawing-room.

Every one was excited, every one was electrified by the late catastrophe, and all were awaiting the speeches for the prosecution and the defense with intense impatience. Fetyukovitch was obviously shaken by Katerina Ivanovna’s evidence. But the prosecutor was triumphant. When all the evidence had been taken, the court was adjourned for almost an hour.

But I heard that the day before yesterday at Katerina Ivanovna’s he was abusing me for all he was worthyou see what an interest he takes in your humble servant. And which is the jealous one after that, brother, I can’t say.

But during yesterday’s scene with Grushenka another idea had struck him. The wordlacerating,” which Madame Hohlakov had just uttered, almost made him start, because half waking up towards daybreak that night he had cried outLaceration, laceration,” probably applying it to his dream. He had been dreaming all night of the previous day’s scene at Katerina Ivanovna’s.

You used to visit gentlemen in the dusk for money once; you brought your beauty for sale. You see, I know.” Katerina Ivanovna shrieked, and would have rushed at her, but Alyosha held her with all his strength. “Not a step, not a word! Don’t speak, don’t answer her. She’ll go awayshe’ll go at once.” At that instant Katerina Ivanovna’s two aunts ran in at her cry, and with them a maid-servant.

But his chief trouble, I must explain however obscurely, lay in the fact that to have that sum he knew of, to have the right to take it, he must first restore Katerina Ivanovna’s three thousandif not, “I’m a common pickpocket, I’m a scoundrel, and I don’t want to begin a new life as a scoundrel,” Mitya decided.

In the intervals he used to drive all over the province, complaining tearfully to each and all of Adelaïda Ivanovna’s having left him, going into details too disgraceful for a husband to mention in regard to his own married life. What seemed to gratify him and flatter his self-love most was to play the ridiculous part of the injured husband, and to parade his woes with embellishments.

Exactly three months after Sofya Ivanovna’s death the general’s widow suddenly appeared in our town, and went straight to Fyodor Pavlovitch’s house. She spent only half an hour in the town but she did a great deal. It was evening. Fyodor Pavlovitch, whom she had not seen for those eight years, came in to her drunk.