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"Her name is Iva Le Bougeois, but we call her the 'Bloody Duchess'. She was sent up here two years ago, from one of the lower counties, for wholesale butchery. Seems her husband got a divorce, and was on the eve of marrying again. She posted herself about the second wedding, and managed to make her way into the parlor, where she hid behind the window curtains.

The fact was that Iva and Nesta, accustomed to the old traditions of 'The Moorings, when there were only about a dozen boarders, were quite unable to cope with the new order of things, and girls who had been to other schools took decided advantage of their slackness.

Fay was discreet enough not to mention her project to Iva or Nesta, in case, being hostel monitresses, they might have felt bound to offer conscientious objections. Members of the Fourth and Third forms, however, jumped at the idea of an impromptu fancy-dress parade, and the moment they were released from the dining-room they tore off to array themselves.

"As she's one of the monitresses, we thought we ought to give her a chance to clear herself before we told Miss Mitchell," said Iva. "She can clear herself and she will. It's not fair to condemn her like this. You must give her time to bring her own witnesses. I ask you all, is it like Merle to do such a thing?" "Well, no, it certainly isn't like either of you. That's what's surprised us so much."

"Oh, come, now, not all that time! It isn't done." "You d-don't underthtand I'm going to find my plathe in the world I don't belong here." "All right. Can I go 'long?" "No; you stay here. I'm oh, don't you thee I'm leaving you!" "Oh, that's it?" "You'll have the girls to amuse you " "What girls?" "Iva and Lotta and Daisy and May Young " "They're not girls they're married women " "What!"

Hello, Iva Payne!" "Hello," languidly responded a girl like a long pale lily a Burne-Jones type, who sometimes carried around a small stained-glass window to rest her head against. "Are you really Bill's wife?" she asked, a little disinterestedly, of Warble. "Yop," said Warble, and made a face at her. "How quaint," said Iva. "Whoopee, Baby!

The Bengal reading is 'Darsayan sumahavalam. Literally, "with rent cheeks and mouth." The Bombay reading is certainly faulty here. For Chalanta iva parvatas it reads Jimuta iva varashikas, although it makes the previous line begin Ksharantaiva Jimuta. A parigha is a thick club mounted with iron.

You have heard the history of the woman Iva Le Bougeois, better known in the 'walls' as the 'Bloody Duchess'. Two days ago the scourge struck her down; she is very ill, the worst symptoms have appeared, and she is almost frantic with terror. Last night, at 12 o'clock, I was going the rounds of the sick wards, and found her wringing her hands, and running up and down the cell like a maniac.

The New Monitress The announcement of Mavis's resignation and the consequent promotion of Merle to the post of monitress was received at school with varying degrees of surprise. Some of the girls regretted it, others thought that in the circumstances it was a wise decision. "On the whole, I'm glad," admitted Iva in private to Nesta. "I love Mavis, but she's too fine stuff for the job.

"The fact of the matter is," admitted Iva ruefully, "we none of us know how to conduct a public meeting. What do you do? I've a vague idea that there ought to be a chairman and a secretary, but what else? Rather weak of us, isn't it? It seems so humiliating to go and tell Miss Mitchell we can't carry on! She'll think us queer monitresses. Merle, can you give any light?"