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That might be the way to glory, or at least to distinction sic itur ad astra; unfortunately, it was not the way to Dublin. Consequently, on every day of our journey and the days were ten not once, but always, we had the same deadly conflict to repeat; and this being always unavailing, found its solution uniformly in the following ultimate resource.

Cadell is most anxious on the subject. He thinks that two years hence £10,000 may be made of a new edition. For description of bounds see Chronicles of the Canongate, p. 7. By the author of Waverley, etc. SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, motto of Canongate arms. In two vols. The Two Drovers, The Highland Widow, The Surgeon's Daughter. Edinburgh, printed for Cadell and Co., and Simpkin Marshall. London 1827.

Still I rejoice with humility at feeling myself, in that order of understandings which, although utterly incapable of following the chain of your reasonings, calculations, and inductions utterly deprived of the powers necessary sic itur ad astra am yet informed, enlightened, and entertained with the series of sublime truths to which you conduct me.

One thing, however, is quite clear, that whether Fortune be more like Plutus or an angel, it is no use abusing her, one may as well throw stones at a star. And I think, if one looked narrowly at her operations, one might perceive that she gives every man a chance at least once in his life if he take and make the best of it, she will renew her visits; if not, itur ad astra!

Their first imitator in England, Vincenzo Lunardi, had made a successful ascent from Moorfields as recently as 1784, while in the following year Blanchard crossed the channel in a balloon and earned the sobriquet Don Quixote de la Manche. His grotesque appropriation of the motto "Sic itur ad astra" made him, at least, a fit object for Munchausen's gibes.

It is covered with purely Ethiopic graffiti, almost exactly similar to those we saw on the steps of the church and on the hillsides around Aksum in Abyssinia long serpent-like trails of Ethiopic words, with rude drawings interspersed of camels, snakes, and so forth. Riebeck, who went inland from Itur, says these are Greek.

The book was published early in April under the following title: Chronicles of the Canongate, Second Series, by the Author of Waverley, etc., "SIC ITUR AD ASTRA" Motto of Canongate Arms, in three volumes.

"Latin," he repeated, a trifle discomfited. "For instance, 'sic itur. Do you know what 'sic itur' means?" "Sick what, suh?" "'Sic itur! Oh, Lord, she is what she looks like!" he exclaimed in frank despair. He walked to the door, wheeled suddenly, came back and confronted her.

With the President made fast to his broad and strong shoulders, and, having already essayed the flight by imagination, better prepared than anybody else to execute it in form, taking the advantage of ladders as far as ladders will go to the top of this great Capitol, and spurning then with his foot the crest of Liberty, let him set out upon his flight, while the two houses of Congress and all the people of the United States shall shout, "Sic itur ad astra."

Sic itur ad astra, we may say. With this force and everlasting spring before us, what may we not achieve? We may some day be able to visit the planets, though many may say that, since the axes of most of those we have considered are more inclined than ours, they would rather stay here.