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Helm's Travels from Buenos Ayres by Potosi to Lima, 1806. 12mo. Natural history, and chiefly geology and mineralogy, with a very particular account of the mines of Potosi. Compendio della Istoria Geografica, Naturale e Civile de Chili. Bologna, 1776. 8vo. Chiliduga sive res Chilenses. Opera Bern. Havestad. Munster, 1777-79. 8vo.

Marthene T. 3, p. 132, Benedict Canon of S. Peter's in his Ordo Romanus, Marangoni, Istoria dell antichissimo Oratorio o Cappella di S. Lorenzo nel Patriarchio Lateranense. Roma 1747. S. Louis of France used to walk barefooted on this day to the churches, praying and giving abundant alms, as did also William, king of the Romans. If she teaches exclusive salvation.

But, that aside, Antoinette has spoiled me for Judith's cook's cookery. I breathed a little sigh of content and summoned Stenson to inform him that I would dine at home. A great package of books from a second-hand bookseller arrived during dinner. Among them were the nine volumes of Pietro Gianone's Istoria Civile del Regno di Napoli, a copy of which I ought to have possessed long ago.

Turning now from the statesman to the man of letters, we find in Guicciardini one of the most consummate historians of any nation or of any age. The work by which he is best known, the Istoria d' Italia, is one that can scarcely be surpassed for masterly control of a very intricate period, for subordination of the parts to the whole, for calmness of judgment and for philosophic depth of thought.

Compare Ricordi Politici e Civili, No. clxxxix., for a lament of this kind over the decrepitude of kingdoms, almost sublime in its stoicism. The Istoria Fiorentina is a succinct narrative of the events of Italian History, especially as they concerned Florence, between the years 1378 and 1509.

The knight had no alternative but to comply, and swore, on the honour of knighthood, to keep the convention inviolate. How well he kept his oath we shall have no opportunity of narrating: Di lui la nostra istoria piu non parla. Carry me over the water, thou fine fellowe. Old Ballad. The pilgrims, without experiencing further molestation, arrived at the retreat of Sir Guy of Gamwell.

The wisdom of Guicciardini nowhere appears more ripe, or his intellect more elastic, than in the Istoria Fiorentina. Students who desire to gain a still closer insight into the working of Guicciardini's mind should consult the 403 Ricordi Politici e Civili collected in the first volume of his Opere Inedite.