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The news was of the nature to cause a lively satisfaction to the leader of the Cossacks, whose new enterprises were to be favored by the weakness of the principal enemy of Russia, as well as by the approach of spring. Iermak, leaving a part of his troop at Isker, embarked with the other part on the Irtysh, which he descended, navigating toward the north.

He would gladly turn back, but by now it was late, it was dark.... At last oh, joy! we reach the Irtysh.... The further bank is steep but the near bank is sloping.

Happily for the Russians, Mahmetkul, being wounded, was obliged to quit the fight, and the mirzas carried him in a skiff to the other bank of the Irtysh. At this news, consternation spread throughout the hostile army. Deprived of its leader it despaired of victory. The Ostiak princes take flight. They are followed by the Tartars.

Finally, I left the house, went to Schmelin and got his permission in a minute, and tonight I am leaving. My house and all in it will be taken good care of, Schmelin promised to look after it. Good-by, my humble hut! Good-by Tumen! The Irtysh opened its dark blue streams for navigation not so long ago.

On the 7th of May when I asked for horses the driver said the Irtysh had overflowed its banks and flooded the meadows, that Kuzma had set off the day before and had difficulty in getting back, and that I could not go, but must wait.... I asked: "Wait till when?" Answer: "The Lord only knows!" That was vague.

The snoring of the ferry-men and my driver, the roar of the wind, the patter of the rain, the mutterings of the Irtysh.... Before going to sleep I wrote a letter to Marya Vladimirovna; I was reminded of the Bozharovsky pool. In the morning they were unwilling to ferry me across: there was a high wind. We had to row across in the boat.

The near one is hollowed out, looks slippery, hateful, not a trace of vegetation.... The turbid water splashes upon it with crests of white foam, and dashes back again as though disgusted at touching the uncouth slippery bank on which it seems that none but toads and the souls of murderers could live.... The Irtysh makes no loud or roaring sound, but it sounds as though it were hammering on coffins in its depths.... A damnable impression!

Another less important affair took place sixteen versts from Irtysh, in a country governed by a tribal chief named Karatcha, situated on the shore of a lake which up to to-day bears the name of this intimate counsellor of the sovereign of Siberia.

The fat Kister. Vygardt.... The "Kitai" was at the pier when we the detachment of twelve, guarding a silent man and a hysterical woman came there under the cover of night; it was raining, though the air was warm. The Irtysh stood fragrant with this odor of a big, noble river.

But at last we reached the last strip that separated the Irtysh from the lake.... The sloping bank of the Irtysh was nearly three feet above the level; it was of clay, bare, hollowed out, and looked slippery.