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Some of them were partly destroyed, as if they had been caught between iron-plates and cut in half; others were more or less defaced and bent, and a few had been squeezed almost into an unrecognisable shape. In one place, he told me, the divers saw a pile of sovereigns through a rent in an iron-plate. The rent was too small to admit a man's arm, and the plates could not be dislodged.

Edgar was not "droon'd," and divers are sometimes "drownded." So far from being drowned, he was remarkably successful in discovering the leak on his first descent. It was caused by one of the iron-plates near the keel having been badly torn by a coral rock. Thoroughly to repair this was a difficulty.

Yarranton was very civilly received by the miners, and, contrary to his expectation, he was allowed freely to inspect the tin-works and examine the methods by which the iron-plates were rolled out, as well as the process of tinning them.

He had to do it all by feelin', nevertheless, they say, he made a splendid job of it, the bed of clay and puddle, at the bottom, bein' smoothed as flat a'most as a billiard table, besides fixin' sixteen iron-plates for the gas-holder to rest on. "Ah, he's a cute feller is David," observed Rooney, reflectively, as he watched a ring of smoke that rose from his pipe towards the ceiling.