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I do not believe that there can ever be born another such a pair of thick-skinned, iron-nerved human beings as the heroes of this story, or two other persons able to endure what we endured. I will venture to say that the worldly wealth I have won is not worth the price I paid for it; but I have gained another prize, whose value can never be expressed in figures."

There is always something unpleasant in darkness, and this woman was by no means iron-nerved. No sooner was she alone, than a painful sensation of uneasiness stole over her. "They can not keep me long here," she kept murmuring to herself; "I have done nothing; I am accused of no offence. The governor will set me at liberty as soon as he knows. Could any thing be more unfortunate?

The door was closed, and the detective could not muster the nerve to open it, and a moan of anguish burst from him. There he stood, an iron-nerved man, trembling and nerveless in expectancy of a revelation of horror; at length he uttered: "This will not do; I am Vance." He pushed open the door, thrust forward his lantern and glanced in. The room was vacant. A sigh of relief fell from his lips.

"Till tomorrow, then," said Aramis; "for iron-nerved as you are, you must need repose." The next morning, when d'Artagnan entered Aramis's chamber, he found him at the window. "What are you looking at?" asked d'Artagnan. "My faith! I am admiring three magnificent horses which the stable boys are leading about. It would be a pleasure worthy of a prince to travel upon such horses."

They were a well-matched pair; iron-nerved, both of them, the sort of men to face sudden death open-eyed and unafraid. A full minute they glared at each other across the desk corner. Then Lessard, without moving a muscle or altering his steady gaze, spoke to Dobson. "Call the orderly," he said quietly.

The liking of strangers best is a curious exemplification of innocence. 'Yes, I was in a muse, she said, raising her head to Emma, whom she expected and sat armed to meet, unaccountably iron-nerved. 'I was questioning whether I could be quite as blameless as I fancy, if I sit and shiver to be in England. You will tell me I have taken the right road. I doubt it.

The liking of strangers best is a curious exemplification of innocence. 'Yes, I was in a muse, she said, raising her head to Emma, whom she expected and sat armed to meet, unaccountably iron-nerved. 'I was questioning whether I could be quite as blameless as I fancy, if I sit and shiver to be in England. You will tell me I have taken the right road. I doubt it.

Each was in his ordinary attire. Their fists were up, and they eyed each other in a calm that had the elements of leonine cruelty in it. During this pause, the Easterner's mind, like a film, took lasting impressions of three men the iron-nerved master of the ceremony; the Swede, pale, motionless, terrible; and Johnnie, serene yet ferocious, brutish yet heroic.

And now, as she watched the thin streak of dust, at that distance moving with snail pace, she reproached herself. She trusted Stevens; she had never known so skilful, daring, and iron-nerved a driver as he was. If she had been in the car herself she would have had no anxiety. But, imagining what Stevens would do on forty miles and more of that desert road, Madeline suffered a prick of conscience.

The nature of woman, it is conceded by all men, is a curious, interesting, and perplexing, if not, in respect of positive practical results, a most unsatisfactory study. But nothing puzzles us so much to comprehend as the fact just alluded to. The tenderest female constitution will sustain a burden of grief which would crush a robust and iron-nerved man, and drive him to despair and suicide.