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In the meantime he, Farley, would undertake to float the enterprise in the North, forming a company and selling stock to provide the development capital. The iron-master demurred a little at first. There were difficulties, and he pointed them out. "I don't know, Colonel Farley. It appears like I'm givin' all I've got for a handout at the kitchen door of the big company.

We can imagine the admiration of the iron-master, who had studied too exclusively the subject of iron ore to know much about the other branches of metallurgy, when the young deputy told him, apropos of the wealth of our soil, a sort of Arabian Nights tale, which, if science would only take hold of it, might become a reality.

I fought hard, both for mother's sake and because it was the first time I had ever met a man with his sword out on the other side." "Well?" said Caleb. "He downed me, horse, foot and artillery; made me realize as I never had before what an absolute begging of the premises the entire Christian argument is." "But how?" persisted the iron-master. "Held me up at the muzzle of the cold facts.

But of what use were such riches as his when his religion and morality compelled him to banish from him all the joys in the power of riches to bring? No, I didn't want to be an iron-master. But it may have been about this time that I began to be impressed with the power of wealth, the adulation and reverence it commanded, the importance in which it clothed all who shared in it....

The iron-master, as one still in touch with the moving world, gave good advice. Failing to buy, the railroad company might possibly seek to bully a right of way through the valley. But in that case, there would certainly be redress in the courts for the property owners. In the meantime, nothing would be gained by making the contest a personal fight on individuals.

Spencer asked. "Yep!" snapped Holt. "Got all the clubs?" "Not all sufficient, perhaps." He played the ace. Dunston laid the queen and knave on the table. Spencer scored the winning trick before his adversary obtained an opening. "You have a backbone of cast steel," commented Dunston, who was an iron-master. "Do you play baccarat?" he went on, with curious eagerness.

Ralph was always a superior boy, tall and a trifle saturnine and cynical, with an amazing self-confidence not wholly due to the wealth of his father, the iron-master. He was older than I. "She won't float five minutes, if you ever get her to the water," was his comment, and in this he was supported on general principles by Julia and Russell Peters.

The lady in black was rather sad; for her father, a distinguished publicist and man of letters, had built this house; and her grandfather, a great iron-master, had owned most of the land hereabouts; and the roots and tendrils of her memory were all entwined about the place; but now she was dismantling it and closing it up, preparatory to going away, perhaps to selling it.

The poor devil has certainly got himself into very deep water, and it's a question whether we shall ever be able to get him ashore. What did you think of Miss Harrison?" "A girl of strong character." "Yes, but she is a good sort, or I am mistaken. She and her brother are the only children of an iron-master somewhere up Northumberland way.

Notwithstanding the fact of his stock-holding, Caleb the iron-master had always stood a little in awe of the general office grandeurs; of chief priest Dyckman in particular. But Tom seemed to recognize no distinctions of class, age, or previous condition of overlordship. Dyckman was found busily lounging in the absent president's easy-chair, smoking a good cigar and reading the morning papers.