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But, with the feeling of women towards those whom they approve, they became Irma's accomplices. Women are like that. When you tell them a secret, if they don't like you, they become traitors. If they do, they are at once confederates. But the Doctor visited Marnhoul as a deputation, officially, and also for the purpose of setting the minds of the genteel at rest.

It was all so gradual, so kind, so persuasive: and she had so little to look forward to in the future. What did it matter what became of her? whom she married or where her home would be? She saw more of Erös Béla than she did of anyone else, for Erös Béla was undoubtedly Irma's most favoured competitor.

Have I any debts, I who have always starved? answered Mahoudeau in a roughly arrogant tone. 'Ought a fellow to build himself a palace and spend money on creatures like that Irma Becot, who's ruining Fagerolles? At this Jory grew angry, while the others jested, and Irma's name went flying over the table.

Violetta laughed, saying, "You have the score of Rocco Ricci's Hagar." The boat drew under the blazing windows, and half guessing, half hearing, Vittoria understood that Pericles was giving an entertainment here, and had abjured her. She was not insensible to the slight. This feeling, joined to her long unsatisfied craving to sing, led her to be intolerant of Irma's style, and visibly vexed her.

And, trusting blindly to his honest love, Clayton wagered his life upon a woman's faith. Under the door of his room lay a yellow envelope, and as the now resolute man read it he smiled grimly. "Victory!" he cried, for Ferris' words assured him of a coming triumph, a crown of life and love. It seemed that Irma's love had conquered after all. "Await me in New York.

"You know Irma and Susan Atwell used to be best friends until they began chumming with Mignon and Muriel. Well, Susan is awfully angry with Mignon for something she said about her, so she has dropped her, and Muriel, too. She went over to Irma's house the other night and cried and said she was sorry she'd been so silly. She wanted to be friends with Irma again."

I will meet them and beat them at their own game. Craft for craft, and I can wait. For Irma's sake!" On his way to the office for the first time he steadied his nerve with the bar-keeper's aid. The blood bounded in his pulses under the unaccustomed stimulant. He was devil-may-care in his manner as he listlessly turned over his morning mail, thrusting his pistol back into the bank portmanteau.

And I wondered at my relative, and saw in this marvel one more proof of her own infallibility. "You must not stay any longer in this great house alone," she was saying, "I will send you somebody." Then she looked again at Miss Irma's hands, and though I did not see why, nor understand at the time, she added, "No no it will never do never do!"

At any rate, to seal the new alliance, in all sisterly freedom she gave me her hand, and did not appear to notice how long I kept it in the darkness. This was certainly a considerable set-off against the feeling of loneliness, and, if not quite content, I was at least more so. I wondered, among other things, if Irma's heart kept knocking in a choking kind of way against the bottom of her throat.

"Not," Pericles cried in despair, "not if she should hear Irma's Hagar! To the desert with Irma. It is the place for a crab-apple. Bravo, Abraham! you were wise." Pericles added that Montini was hourly expected, and that there was to be a rehearsal in the evening. When she had driven home, Violetta found Barto Rizzo's accusatory paper laid on her writing-desk.