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According to Forster, this passage is corrupted, and ought to be thus read: "After eight days journey west from Ergimul or Erdschi-nur, we come to Erigaia, Eggaya Organum, or Irganekon." And he names the chief town Calacia, Cailac, Gailak, or Golka. Forst. Perhaps, the chamois are here meant, and copied camels by mistake. Forst. Tenduc, Tenduch, Teuduch. Forst

Prompted by a vision and a command from God, the chiefs of these nations chose Changi or Zinghis to be their sovereign ruler or Great Khan; and we are told that when he came down from the mountains of Belgian, the sea withdrew nine feet, and made a way for him where there was none before. This seems to be the same history with that of Irganekon, which is also related by Abulgasi.

The mountain Belgian must be looked for in the environs of lake Balehas, in the country of Organum or Irganekon. According to the Nighiaristan, a collection of oriental history, the Turkomanni likewise came from a place called Belgian or Bilkhan. Forst. Faucon Pelerin, the Pilgrim Falcon, Forst. Esmerliones, or Merlins. Forst. The Bondree and Sacre, or the Honey-buzzard and Sacre. Forst.