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"Now," he said, "you belong to me, and not to these sea gods, whosoever they may be!" But she only called the more on her mother. "Why call on your mother? She can be no mother to have left you here." And she answered, weeping: "I am the daughter of Cepheus, King of Iopa, and my mother is Cassiopoeia of the beautiful tresses, and they called me Andromeda, as long as life was mine.

But the remembrance of his brave deed was left behind; and Andromeda's rock was shown at Iopa in Palestine till more than a thousand years were past. So Perseus and the Phoenicians rowed to the westward, across the sea, till they came to the pleasant Isles of Hellas, and Seriphos, his ancient home.

But the remembrance of his brave deed was left behind; and Andromeda's rock was shown at Iopa in Palestine till more than a thousand years were past. So Perseus and the Phoenicians rowed to the westward, across the sea of Crete, till they came to the blue AEgean and the pleasant Isles of Hellas, and Seriphos, his ancient home.

'I am the daughter of Cepheus, King of Iopa, and my mother is Cassiopoeia of the beautiful tresses, and they called me Andromeda, as long as life was mine. And I stand bound here, hapless that I am, for the sea-monster's food, to atone for my mother's sin.