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I went up to town this morning in answer to a message from the bank where Braden lodged his money when he returned to England. To tell you the truth, the managers there and myself have, since Braden's death, been carrying to a conclusion an investigation which I began on Braden's behalf though he never knew of it years ago. At the bank I met Mr.

One of De Saussure's experiments, in the course of his investigation of the phenomena and causes of cold currents in caves, is worth recalling.

There had been a series of hotel robberies in London, so cleverly conceived and carried out that Scotland Yard was altogether at fault. I had had nothing to do with this investigation, being engaged on other cases, but one Friday morning my chief told me I must lend my colleagues a hand.

One reflection arises at the conclusion of this trivial investigation, and it is this If so much doubt and obscurity have already settled on circumstances which took place scarcely beyond the recollection of living people, can we wonder at that which invests the events of a more remote epoch?

While this investigation was pending, the superintendent disappeared, leaving his wife and son unprovided for. His estate was seized in part satisfaction of the amounts he had appropriated, and Halbert's pride was brought low. The wealth and position upon which he had based his aristocratic pretensions vanished, and in bitter mortification he found himself reduced to poverty.

But" and here her earnestness dried up the tears which had been flowing freely during this recital of her husband's lonely death and sad burial "do you not think an investigation should be made into a death preceded by a false obituary notice?

"I didn't see what business he could possibly have here." "Michael, will you give an account of all that has taken place between Mr. Gilbert and yourself? I do not yet feel satisfied." "Mr. Rockwell," said Gilbert, in a passion, "I do not choose to submit to the insulting investigation you propose. My month is out next Thursday; I beg leave to resign my situation."

Here was no time for cautious investigation and, not even waiting to find the aperture and part the hangings, but with one sweep of a brawny hand dragging them from their support, the ape-man leaped from the niche into the alcove.

He then adds, Seldom have I written that in a day, the acquisition or investigation of which had not cost me the precious labour of a month! He then bursts out into this magnificent exclamation, Would that the criterion of a scholar's ability were the number and moral value of the truths which he has been the means of throwing into general circulation! And he sums up all by declaring,

"Is it something in connection with that forged letter to Mallowe?" asked Ramon quickly. "Perhaps," the detective admitted. He shrugged, then added leniently, "I think, before proceeding any further with that branch of the investigation, it would be well to know who obtained the notepaper with the hotel letterhead, and if the paper itself was genuine.