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"The priest who investigates the stars," said she, tearfully, "declared to a serving woman that Thou wilt live and reign a hundred years if this day favors thee." "Ah! Where is that man who is skilled in my fate?" "He fled to Memphis," replied the lady. Ramses thought a while, then he said, smiling, "As the Libyans at the Soda Lakes hurled missiles at us, the priests hurl threats today.

It has naturally two divisions, morphology, which treats of the form and structure of living beings, and physiology, which investigates their functions, or the special work done in their vital processes. The word anatomy, however, is usually employed instead of morphology. It is derived from two Greek words, and means the science of dissection.

But this was only in appearance. Contemporary science is also occupied with facts alone: it investigates facts. But what facts? Why precisely these facts, and no others? The men of contemporary science are very fond of saying, triumphantly and confidently, "We investigate only facts," imagining that these words contain some meaning.

Now he investigates the conditions under which others are imprisoned. Even though they are lawless women, he wishes them well treated." It would sound "noble" to thousands. Immediately the District Commissioners announced this investigation, Miss Lucy Burns, acting on behalf of the National Woman's Party, sent a letter to Commissioner Brownlow.

It was for these reasons, therefore, and not through any action of mine, that the Peace which we then conceded was negotiated; and any one who investigates the matter honestly will find that it is the crimes and the corrupt practices of these men, in the course of the negotiations, that are responsible for our position to-day.

As George Stratton was packing his valise in his room, alone, as he thought, the following conversation was taking place beside him. "It is no use," said Speed; "we are merely muddling him, and not doing any good. The only thing is to leave him alone. If he investigates the Roland part of the case he will soon find out for himself that he is on the wrong track; then he will take the right one."

While I admit freely that a very large percentage of such phenomena are so produced, and while I freely admit that probably 98 per cent of so-called "mediums" are fraudulent; I am equally emphatic in declaring that a residuum of genuine phenomena exists that supernormal manifestations do occur, and that every one who investigates carefully enough and long enough will find them.

There remain, therefore, as objects, only those things which may be supposed as leading DIRECTLY to peace, Theory investigates all these ends and means according to the nature of their effects and their mutual relations. The first question is, How does strategy arrive at a complete list of these things?

The other is the egotist whose eye is always filled with his own figure, who investigates his motives, and hesitates and finicks, till Death knocks him on the head and there is an end of him. Of the two give me the second, for even a narrow little egotistical self is better than a formula. But I pray to be delivered from both."

If a Christian sets aside traditionary forms and blind imitation of ceremonials and investigates the reality of the Gospels, he will discover that the foundation principles of the teachings of Christ were mercy, love, fellowship, benevolence, altruism, the resplendence or radiance of divine bestowals, acquisition of the breaths of the Holy Spirit and oneness with God.