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It was not only extremely foolish, but altogether disingenuous, to maintain that the recognition of the South American republics had been resolved on as a counterpoise to French influence in Spain. The reasons which prompted this recognition were commercial, not political, and it had been announced to the powers as our ultimate policy before any invasion of Spain had taken place.

I never could see how; but if it is true, why shouldn't a sort of ultimate immunity come back to us from the very excess and invasion of the appeals now made to us, and destined to be made to us still more by the adsmith? Come, isn't there hope in that?" "I see a great opportunity for the wofsmith in some such dream," said my friend. "Why don't you turn it to account?"

In times of invasion such a method of spreading information has been used down to the present age. Nor may we fail to note the improved apparatus for this kind of signaling now employed in military operations.

Cardinal Richelieu who wielded a power greater than that of Kings had favourably entertained a project of invasion submitted to him by the son of Hugh O'Neil, a chief who, while living, was naturally regarded by the exiles as their future leader.

"Speak, crone, your life is yours if you but tell me truly, by your sooth, the thing that I shall ask." "Thou godless man, stand back!" cried Elspeth, seeing him draw his sword as though to slay her. "Nay, tell me of your sooth for I do believe you are a very witch tell me, what shall the issue of this invasion be? Speak, thou vile hag! lest I release your black soul over soon!"

Lord Liverpool himself, however, raised another question: whether, by his invasion of France, he had not forfeited his right to be regarded as an independent sovereign; resting this doubt on a suggestion which, among others, he proposed to the Lord Chancellor, that "at Elba he enjoyed only a limited and conditional sovereignty, which ceased when the condition on which he held it was violated."

What must he do to offset this new invasion of authority? Discredit him? Certainly. But he needn't worry about that. Eugene would do something. He would make mistakes of some kind. He felt sure of it. He was almost positive of it. The opening days of this their second return to New York were a period of great joy to Angela.

Better to let the Russians hold what advantage their invasion has given them than to have our cities destroyed, our population wiped out, our descendants if any born with six heads or a dozen arms as a result of radioactivity." According to General Thario, for a while it was touchandgo whether the President would yield to the men of vision or the others.

Meanwhile, Frontenac had little time to reflect upon the probable attitude of posterity towards his political morals. The three war-parties had accomplished their purpose and in the spring of 1690 the colony was aglow with fresh hope. But the English were not slow to retaliate. That summer New York and Massachusetts decided on an invasion of Canada.

The great democratic deluge will not after all be able to effect what the invasion of the barbarians was powerless to bring about; it will not drown altogether the results of the higher culture; but we must resign ourselves to the fact that it tends in the beginning to deform and vulgarize everything.