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"Yes, but she could not do otherwise, for Amelia was present. Mrs. Beaumont took me aside." "Aside; ay, ay, but take care, I advise you, of her asides, and her whisperings, and her cornerings, and her inuendoes, and semiconfidences, lest your own happiness, my dear, unsuspecting, enthusiastic daughter, should be the sacrifice."

The lost life-buoy was now to be replaced; Starbuck was directed to see to it; but as no cask of sufficient lightness could be found, and as in the feverish eagerness of what seemed the approaching crisis of the voyage, all hands were impatient of any toil but what was directly connected with its final end, whatever that might prove to be; therefore, they were going to leave the ship's stern unprovided with a buoy, when by certain strange signs and inuendoes Queequeg hinted a hint concerning his coffin.

His personal inuendoes and offensive epithets, his coarse witticisms and arrogant bearing, may have suited the vulgar and intolerant among his party, but they won him no respect from the calm and thinking portion of the audience; while we know that they grieved and offended some intelligent and candid men who thoroughly agreed with his views.

He said the last words so significantly, and with such a look, that all the blood of all the Stanfords rushed red to Reginald's face. "The deuce take your inuendoes!" he exclaimed. "What do you mean?" "Don't ask me," said Doctor Frank. "I hate to tell a lie: and I won't say what I suspect. Suppose we change the subject. Where is Sir Ronald Keith?"

Coleridge with pity and contempt. Of the latter days of his literary life, Mr. Coleridge gives us no satisfactory account. The whole of the second volume is interspersed with mysterious inuendoes. He complains of the loss of all his friends, not by death, but estrangement.

"Why, sir, in some cases, one cannot venture to make one's self understood any way, but by inuendoes." "Then, good morning to you, sir you and I can never understand one another." "Pardon me, sir, unless you are in a hurry," cried Mr. "You do me honour." "Put a parallel case.

The boys soon found out his inuendoes and subterfuges, but John would all the time appear as innocent of having tobacco as a pet lamb that has just torn down a nice vine that you were so careful in training to run over the front porch. Ah, John, don't deny it now!

A good twenty minutes had now elapsed since the emetic had been given, no symptoms of any result had as yet appeared, and the French began to get impatient; inuendoes were hazarded to the disadvantage of Strokr's reputation for consistency, inuendoes which I confess touched me nearly, and made me feel like a show-man whose dog has misbehaved.