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He was a pleasant, high-bred looking gentleman, brown-complexioned, and dark-eyed, with a brisk and resolute cast of countenance, that, Ethel thought, might have suited the Norman of Glenbracken, who died on the ruddy Lion of Scotland, and speaking with the very same slight degree of Scottish intonation as she remembered in her mother, making a most home-like sound in her ears.

He spoke with a palpable effort and almost with a sing-song intonation. I dismounted and pressed forward, and told him: "You talk like an Indian." "God's marcy, young sir!" cried an old dame. "An', please sweet grace, why shouldn't he? Isn't he Johnny Ward, took by the Injums when a boy, an' just managed to scoot free of 'em?"

The taste of freedom was so pleasant that I warn you there is danger of my 'striking. When will you have done with Newport?" "I am pleased with Newport now," she answered, with a curious intonation. "I like it." "I do also." Her keen eyes sparkled. "Did you ever like anything when you were with me before?" "Never. I will tell you why I like it: because I have met, and shall probably meet, Mr.

And so I would read, or rather sing his sentences in my brain, with rather more dolce, rather more lento than he himself had, perhaps, intended, and his simplest phrase would strike my ears with something peculiarly gentle and loving in its intonation. More than anything else in the world I cherished his philosophy, and had pledged myself to it in lifelong devotion.

But Beatrice is not like me nor I like you and so " She broke off in the middle of the sentence with an indolent little laugh. "If she were like you," said San Miniato, "I would not hesitate long." There was an intonation in his voice that pleased the middle-aged woman, as he had intended. "What would you do?" she asked, fanning herself slowly in the dark. "I would speak to her myself."

I call it perfectly comfortable and SO natural." Nevertheless, they had both tucked their chilly hands under the fleecy shawls they had snatched from the hall for this hyperborean expedition. "You have taken much pains for him, Kaitee," said Marie, with her faintest foreign intonation. "You will like this strange uncle you?"

The laughter with which the lawyer met Nekhludoff's remark concerning the uselessness of courts if the prosecutors can do what they please, and the intonation with which he pronounced the words "philosophy" and "social questions," showed how utterly unlike himself were the lawyer and the people of his circle, both in character and in views of life.

No amount of description could convey the intonation which she threw into that short word. The "o" was lengthened indefinitely, giving a quaint, un-English effect to the word, which sounded at the same time incredibly full of suggestion. Guest flushed with annoyed understanding, even before Cornelia proceeded to enlarge.

"Ever since I have known him," he answered reluctantly. "Much?" "No, comparatively little." "Often?" "Well " The lengthening of the word told its own story. "Does it increase?" His expression answered her, and she took the answer in perfect silence. It was a full minute before she spoke again; but when she did speak, her voice had the old, level intonation.

"I don't know you, sir," Lanyard continued slowly, puzzled to account for a feeling of familiarity with this person, whom he could have sworn he had never met before. "But you won't let your friends here outdo you in civility, I trust?" "If you mean you want me to unmask, I won't," the other returned brusquely, in fair French but with a decided transatlantic intonation. "American, eh?"