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Elgin ceased even to attend the Council, and after his time the Governor became more and more the constitutional monarch, busied in laying corner stones and listening to tiresome official addresses. In emergencies, and especially in the gap or interregnum between Ministries, the personality of the Governor might count, but as a rule this power remained latent.

The pause between sunset and sunrise, the interregnum which signifies that a phase in some department of the world's history has passed away as a day is done, and a new development of human experience is about to present itself, was over in literature. The romantic period had succeeded the classic. Sir Walter Scott had also risen high above the horizon as a poet, and still higher as a novelist.

Neither could the augurs sitting at Rome divine what inauspicious circumstance had occurred to the consul in the camp. Who did not plainly perceive, that the dictator's being a plebeian, was the defect which the augurs had discovered?" These and other arguments were urged in vain by the tribunes: the affair however ended in an interregnum.

An attempt made at home by the dictator, to have the election of two patrician consuls, brought the government to an interregnum.

His resignation was accepted by the Regents with regret and the declaration that the success of the University during the preceding six years "to a large extent had been due to his learning, skill, assiduity, and eminent virtues," a statement which was given added force by an unsuccessful attempt to have him return during the interregnum of two years that followed.

I hover over my racked body like a ghost, and exist in an interregnum. And so I am the first mortal in a position to demand an explanation. Don't tell me I have sinned, and am in hell. Most sins are sins of classification by bigots and poor thinkers. Who can live without sinning, or sin without living?

Between the military rule of the rangers for they were for internal police as well as external defence and the establishment of regular civil government, there was a sort of interregnum, during which there was neither law nor power to enforce it.

But the post of honour remains, and will remain, to Charles Albert. His son lies elsewhere. Restoration of the Pope and Grand Duke of Tuscany Misrule at Naples The Struggle with the Church in Piedmont The Crimean War. The decade from 1849 to 1859 may seem, at first sight, to resemble an interregnum, but it was an evolution.

If God was the author of their methods of dismissal, He ought to be ashamed of Himself. There was no interregnum. The Sunday following that farewell sermon I preached my first sermon as pastor of the newly organized People's Church of New Haven. About thirty people left the old church and joined the new. Among them was a saintly woman, who had been a member for half a century of Pilgrim Church.

This form of government is termed, by the Romans, interregnum. Nor yet could they, by this plausible and modest way of rule, escape suspicion and clamor of the vulgar, as though they were changing the form of government to an oligarchy, and designing to keep the supreme power in a sort of wardship under themselves, without ever proceeding to choose a king.