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This matter of the will shall be settled at once. It can be done?" "Certainly." "Sit down, then, and I will dictate it. But first you must promise not to interfere with any disposition I may see fit to make of my property." "I should not have the slightest right to do so, Lord Cairnforth." "My good old friend! Well, now, how shall we begin?"

A few of my men had discharged their pistols, in answer to the American volley, before I had time to interfere to prevent them; but the majority, having reserved theirs, we had now immeasurably the advantage.

"Then this feeling hints to me that I am not sure of anything, and that I have no business to interfere, and so on. Among other things it seems to whisper to me that old Jonas will not know, when all the time he must. Now come, Sep, as a thoughtful boy, what should you recommend me to do?"

"It was Andrew McKittrick put them up to it. I always said that man would make trouble here yet, ever since he moved to Putney from Danbridge. I've talked and argued with Thomas until I'm dumb, but he is as set as a rock." "I don't see what business the men have to interfere with us anyhow," said her daughter Lucy, who was sitting on one of the window-sills. "We don't meddle with them, I'm sure.

As far as I'm concerned, if I could first strangle Huddlestone and then get Clara in my arms, I could die with some pride and satisfaction. And as it is, by God, I'll have a kiss!" Before I could do anything to interfere, he had rudely embraced and repeatedly kissed the resisting girl. Next moment I had pulled him away with fury, and flung him heavily against the wall.

Jeff found some difficulty in lifting the tall, bony frame, but Shorty gave him a little help with the ponderous but agile feet, and the woman was finally gotten on the bed. "Now, we'll gag you next, if you make any more trouble," threatened Shorty. "We don't allow no woman to interfere with military operations."

In the course of time, and in case prospects are sufficiently encouraging or, in other words, should the surveys required for a ship canal correspond with the hopes entertained upon this subject by the French the great desideratum might then be attempted. The work done would not interfere with any other afterwards undertaken on an increased scale.

Home was very anxious to let everyone present be satisfied that he was not doing any of the things himself too anxious, I sometimes thought, for frequently he would interfere with the progress and development of what was going on by insisting that some sceptic or other should come around and take hold of his hands and feet to be sure he was not doing anything himself.

"I think we shall have to see what that young man's about, you know," he said afterward to Septimus Jones. "Yes, yes, certainly," said Septimus. But Septimus did not quite understand why it was that they should have to see what the young man was about. "Between you and me, I think he means to interfere with me, and I do not mean to stand his interference." "I should think not."

I hear that my mother and sister have escaped, and they have doubtless gone there, so you will not find yourself friendless. "And now for the purpose that has brought me here. I had no idea, until I arrived, that these wretches had imprisoned my father; who is the last man to interfere in politics, and has, I am sure, never uttered a word of enmity against the Convention.