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"Interduce me," said Mr Philp with majestic calm. Captain Cai, caught in this act of secret traffic, blushed in his confusion, but obeyed. "'Bias," said he, "this is the gentleman that caused the mischief inside. His name's Philp, and he'd like to make your acquaintance." It was August, and the weather for weeks had been superb.

It was very unladylike, and Elizabeth knew it, but in spite of herself she continued to stare. "Let me interduce you," suggested the Captain. "Thank you, I'd better run along and help those in the house." But she failed to suit the action to the word, and for the simple reason that the gaze of two perfectly normal young people became normally entangled.

Well, why don't you set down?" "Introduce me, please," said the elegant little city boy. "Interduce your grandma's pussy cats," mocked Jimmy. "Set down, I tell you." Frances and Lina made room for him between them and soon gave him their undivided attention, to the intense envy and disgust of the other two little boys. "I am Lina Hamilton," said the little girl on his right.

Cut off my ears if this nigger ain't civilized!" He beckoned to the canoe and it shot alongside, and its brown crew came climbing over the rail of the Maggie II. Mr. Gibney met the spokesman at the rail and they rubbed noses very solemnly, after the manner of salutation in Kandavu. Captain Scraggs bustled forward, full of importance. "Interduce me, Gib," he said amiably, and then, while Mr.

"But there must be some nice girls in Poketown!" cried Janice. "Ya-as I guess there be. But wait till I kin git around an' interduce ye to 'em." This promise, however, offered Janice Day but sorry comfort. If she waited for Aunt Almira to take her about she certainly would die of homesickness!

Well, th' bunch sorta interduced, or tried t' interduce, Old John t' Will Curley.

This hoss is awful slow," he added with a wink of preternatural mystery to Miss Susie. "Mr. Golyer," said the young lady, "let me interduce you to my friend, Mr. Leon." Golyer put out his hand mechanically, after the cordial fashion of the West. But Leon nodded and said, "I hope to see you again."

And he turned his back on us and went into the back room all by himself. We seen we was in wrong in that town. The doctor says it will be no use trying to interduce our stuff there, and we might as well leave there in the morning and go over to Bairdstown, which was a little place about ten miles off the railroad, and make our start there.

Shake hands on it, ole man by Harry! Guv'ner ought to be here glad to see you. Great fren's with the men, guv'ner labor an' capital, commun'ty 'f int'rests, an' all that hic! Funny things happen in this world, don't they, ole man? Hamilton, lemme interduce you fren' the family ole fren' the guv'ner's works in the yards. Come to spend the night wiz me, Hamilton have a hot time.

There don't none of 'em speak no English but me, and all I can do is to interduce you, and tell 'em that you ain't no spy, and that you are very sorry you ever ran up agin this here town. And I guess I'll be expressin' your sentiments exactly, won't I?" Archie nodded, but in his heart he felt that he wasn't sorry he had run up against the town.