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It was his dream, to use his own words, "to make Java the center of an Eastern insular empire" ruled "not only without fear but without reproach"; an empire to consist of that great archipelago Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Celebes, New Guinea, and the lesser islands which sweeps southward and eastward from the Asian mainland to the edges of Australasia.

'Oh yes; it is hard to think as much of a prescription in Italian as in English but that's one's insular way. 'He thought you no worse? 'Why should one believe him if he did? she said evasively. 'No one knows as much as oneself. Ah! there is Lucy. I think you must bid us good-night. I am too tired for talking. As he left the room Eleanor settled down happily on her pillow.

Our navigation of the 'Passe des Français' had definitively settled the insular character of the whole of the district terminating in the 'Cape Stephens' of Cook. It is divided from the mainland of Te-Wahi-Punamub by the Current Basin. The comparison of our chart with that of the strait as laid down by Cook will suffice to show how much he left to be done."

To be told that I MUST see this, and ought to go there, because my casual neighbor was charme, has never presented itself to me as an adequate motive. From this you readily gather that I am severely taciturn at a table d'hote. I refrain from joining in the "delightful conversation" which flies across the table, and know that my reticence is attributed to "insular pride."

He attended with equal keenness and solicitude to external improvements. Now at first, as I have suggested, his chief duty was to continue President McKinley's policies, which concerned mostly the establishment of our insular dependencies, and the readjustment of our diplomatic relations.

Jessica had drawn from him the Puritanism which had made him self-conscious, envious, insular. A few days after this, Jessica, at her home in Boston, in the room where she had promised her father to be George Gering's wife, sat watching the sea. Its slow swinging music came up to her through the October air.

Moreover, with the growth of trade and of friendly foreign relations, it becomes evident that the social equality for which England was contending at home belongs to the whole race of men; that brotherhood is universal, not insular; that a question of justice is never settled by fighting; and that war is generally unmitigated horror and barbarism.

I proposed Mrs Thrale should be our toast. He would not have HER drunk in whisky, but rather 'some insular lady', so we drank one of the ladies whom we had lately left. He owned tonight, that he got as good a room and bed as at an English inn.

Each silent worshipper seemed purposely sitting apart from the other, as if each silent grief were insular and incommunicable. The chaplain had not yet arrived; and there these silent islands of men and women sat steadfastly eyeing several marble tablets, with black borders, masoned into the wall on either side the pulpit. THIS MARBLE Is here placed by their surviving SHIPMATES.

'We are spending the afternoon there, that is all just going to see the Roman theatre! 'I wish you enjoyment of your expedition, he replied drily, no little amused, but evidently somewhat accustomed to insular eccentricity. The rest of the company could hardly keep a grave countenance.