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Moreover, ‘per insidias iter est, formasque ferarum,’ the road is full of nooses and bull-dogs, ‘Hæmoniosque arcus,’ and spring guns, ‘sævaque circuitu, curvantem brachia longo, Scorpio,’ and steel traps of uncommon size and shape.” These were nothing in the eyes of Phaeton; go he would, so off he set, full speed, four-in-hand.

And think of the London cockney's prefix of the letter h to innocent words beginning with a vowel having its prototype in the speech of the vulgar Roman, as may be seen in the verses of Catullus: Chommoda dicebat, siquando commoda vellet Dicere, et hinsidias Arrius insidias. Et tum mirifice sperabat se esse locutum, Cum quantum poterat, dixerat hinsidias...

Moreover, 'per insidias iter est, formasque ferarum, the road is full of nooses and bull-dogs, 'Haemoniosque arcus, and spring guns, 'saevaque circuitu, curvantem brachia longo, Scorpio, and steel traps of uncommon size and shape." These were nothing in the eyes of Phaeton; go he would, so off he set, full speed, four in hand.

"'Quisquis amore tenetur, eat " "'tutusque sacerque Qualibet, insidias non timuisse decet,"* answered I. * "Whosoever is possessed by Love may go safe and holy withersoever he likes. It becomes not him to fear snares." "/Bon/!" cried the Duke. "I love a gentleman, from my very soul, when he can both fight well and read Latin! I hate a man who is merely a winebibber and blade-drawer.

Uni se atque eidem studio omnes dedere et arti; Verba dare ut caute possint, pugnare dolose, Blanditia certare, bonum simulare virum se, Insidias facere ut si hostes sint omnibus omnes-.

Saddletree, delighted at having for once in his life seen his wife's attention arrested by a topic of legal discussion "Whoy, there are two sorts of murdrum or murdragium, or what you populariter et vulgariser call murther. I mean there are many sorts; for there's your murthrum per vigilias et insidias, and your murthrum under trust."

There it was decreed that they should make a fair procession, stuffed with good lectures, prayers, and litanies contra hostium insidias, and jolly responses pro pace.

"Well, well, Messieurs," said he, bursting out at last into open voice, "I will ever believe, in future, that the gods do look benignantly on us worshippers of the Alma Venus! Do you know much of Tibullus, Monsieur Devereux? And can you assist my memory with the continuation of the line "'Quisquis amore tenetur, eat " "'tutusque sacerque Qualibet, insidias non timuisse decet,"* answered I.

Uni se atque eidem studio omnes dedere et arti; Verba dare ut caute possint, pugnare dolose, Blanditia certare, bonum simulare virum se, Insidias facere ut si hostes sint omnibus omnes-.

Saddletree, delighted at having for once in his life seen his wife's attention arrested by a topic of legal discussion "Whoy, there are two sorts of murdrum or murdragium, or what you populariter et vulgariser call murther. I mean there are many sorts; for there's your murthrum per vigilias et insidias, and your murthrum under trust."