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The wounded generally died; only the fortunate escaped. Thus he ran on, talking as much for his own amusement as that of his guest. He fretted because he could not join the camp and help work the artillery; he supposed the ram would be in position by now and shaking the wall with its blow. He wondered if Baron Ingulph would miss his face. "Who's he?" asked Felix.

One, who was the leader of the gang, thought it so valuable an idea that he went off at once to communicate with the lieutenant, who would in his turn carry the matter to Baron Ingulph, Master of the Artillery. The others congratulated him, and asked to share in the reward that would be given to him for this invention. To whose "war" did he belong?

"If we make haste, it may be that we can take Hildelitha and Father Ingulph by surprise," he laughed, leaping down on the crumbling doorstep and pulling his captive with him.

Every noon they returned, amid a taunting racket, with armfuls of ale-skins, back-loads of salted meats, and bags bulging with the bread which they had forced the terrorized farm-women into baking for them. "They have the ingenuity of fiends!" Father Ingulph was wont to groan after each of these spectacles.

He opposed himself on all sides against his rebellious subjects, and against foreign invaders; and by his valour and conduct prevailed in every action. He obliged the French king to grant him peace on reasonable terms; he expelled all pretenders to the sovereignty; and he reduced his turbulent barons to pay submission to his authority, and to suspend their mutual animosities. Gul. Ingulph. p. 65.

It may be that the Etheling's eyes widened for an instant, but directly after he laughed with gay perverseness. "Is it?" he said. "Then, for the first time in six weeks, I see that the Ironside is cunning in thought." Shaking his head, Father Ingulph moved down the step. "Nay, if you are in that humor, my son, I waste no breath. Speed you well, and may you wax in wisdom!"

He regretted it, to his innermost vitals, but these were days when each must stand or fall for himself. He could only send his sympathy and the counsel to hold out unflinchingly in the hope that some fortune of war would call the besiegers away. When he heard that, Father Ingulph forgot his robes to indulge in a curse. "Does he think we have possession of the widow's blessed oil-cruse?

And Father Ingulph cleared his throat loudly. "Well-fitting is your charity both toward my teachings and your heart, my son; and yet Discretion is the mother of other virtues. To bring one of those roving children of Satan into a Christian household will lay upon me a responsibility which which " He paused to take a mouthful of wine and eye the stranger over the goblet rim with much disfavor.

And at length, of thirty horsemen of us who went from Normandy fat and lusty, scarce twenty poor pilgrims returned, all on foot, and reduced almost to skeletons with fatigue and hardships. Hakluyt, II. 41. Ingulph. Ab. Croyl. apud finem. Original Discovery of Greenland by the Icelanders.

Malcolm, coming too late to support his confederates, was constrained to retire; and all the English rebels in other parts, except Hereward, who still kept in his fastnesses, dispersed themselves, and left the Normans undisputed masters of the kingdom. Chron Abb. St Petri de Burgo, p. 47. Sim. Sax. p. 174. Ingulph. p. 79. Malmes. p. 103. Hoveden, p. 451. Chron. Abb. St. Petri de Burgo, p. 47.