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"You were, Paddy an' Paddy, ma bouchal, what war you doing there, Paddy?" "Masther, sir, spake to Jem Kenny here; he made my nose bleed." "Eh, Paddy?" "I was br ingin' her a layin' hen, sir, that my mother promised her at mass on Sunday last." Paddy, can you spell Nebachodnazure for me?" "No, sir." "No, nor a better scholar, Paddy, could not do that, ma bouchal; but I'll spell it for you.

The Panther patted her two little hands between his own. Like most of his race, he had beautiful hands, soft and rounded even in his old age, with long taper fingers that had, I dare say, taken more than one scalp in their time. "Pooh!" said he, lightly. "You think old Ingin melt like maple sugar? You well?" he asked, anxiously. "Quite so." "And little one?"

We met them coming slowly on 'bout two miles from the Ingin camp, and telling 'em what was up we started to help the trappers what the devils was agoing to burn. We wasn't half so long in getting at the camp as Ike and me was in going, and we soon come within good range for our rifles.

The Panther thanked him courteously, but he clung to the simple creed of his fathers and his belief that "Ingin religion was good for Ingin;" and Mr. Lawrence had the sense and feeling not to disturb him by argument. "Want your Charley to have my rifle," he said to me. "Nobody left of our people but my cousin's son, and he most a mizzable Ingin. You 'member that, please," he said to Mr.

Terence P. Reardon came to the foot of the little spiral staircase leading to the turret. "Michael, me lad," he announced, "the internal-combustion ile ingin' is the marine ingin' av the future. They're as simple as two an' two is four. Listen, avic! Does she not run like a twenty-four-jewel watch? An' this man that invinted thim was a Ger-r-man more power to him!

If an ingin comes up an screwges its suction on to the plug, all the other ingins as comes after it has to stan' by an' do nuffin. But by puttin' the cistern over the plug an' lettin' it fill, another ingin or mabbe two more, can ram in its suction and drink away till it's fit to burst, d'ye see."

The white man medicine heap too strong for Ingin." So it was with the Bannocks. Their medicine men taught that the white man was to be destroyed, that his horses, his cattle and his houses and land were to revert to the original owners of the country. Accordingly few houses were burned throughout the raid of several hundred miles.

That looked, too, as if the Ingin' settlement was somewhere not far off, and I begun to think ag'in that Soot was wrong and I right. I kept the thing up till night, when I had n't diskivered the first sign, and not only that, but had lost the trail, and gone astray myself." "Just as I did," Fred observed.

Moreover there was not the slightest doubt that the "Ingin," who was now bowing so gravely to the master of ceremonies, was no other than the distinguished Mr.

'Take it easy, Sam, sais I, 'your flint is fixed; you are wet thro' runnin' won't dry you, and I settled down to a careless walk, quite desperate. "'Nothin' in natur', unless it is an Ingin, is so treacherous as the climate here.