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In Pennsylvania, George Croghan, the guileful diplomat, who was emissary from the Council to the Ohio Indians , had induced "all-most all the Ingans in the Woods" to declare against the French; and was described by Christopher Gist as a "meer idol among his countrymen, the Irish traders."

"The pedlar, your honour means?" retorted Andrew "but ca' him what ye wull, they're a great convenience in a country-side that's scant o' borough-towns like this Northumberland That's no the case, now, in Scotland; there's the kingdom of Fife, frae Culross to the East Nuik, it's just like a great combined city sae mony royal boroughs yoked on end to end, like ropes of ingans, with their hie-streets and their booths, nae doubt, and their kraemes, and houses of stane and lime and fore-stairs Kirkcaldy, the sell o't, is langer than ony town in England."

He was a daring chield, and he fought his ship till she blew up like peelings of ingans; and Frank Kennedy, he had been the first man to board, and he was flung like a quarter of a mile off, and fell into the water below the rock at Warroch Point, that they ca' the Gauger's Loup to this day. 'And Mr. Bertram's child, said the stranger, 'what is all this to him?

He was a daring chield, and he fought his ship till she blew up like peelings of ingans; and Frank Kennedy, he had been the first man to board, and he was flung like a quarter of a mile off, and fell into the water below the rock at Warroch Point, that they ca' the Gauger's Loup to this day. 'And Mr. Bertram's child, said the stranger, 'what is all this to him?

"The pedlar, your honour means?" retorted Andrew "but ca' him what ye wull, they're a great convenience in a country-side that's scant o' borough-towns like this Northumberland That's no the case, now, in Scotland; there's the kingdom of Fife, frae Culross to the East Nuik, it's just like a great combined city sae mony royal boroughs yoked on end to end, like ropes of ingans, with their hie-streets and their booths, nae doubt, and their kraemes, and houses of stane and lime and fore-stairs Kirkcaldy, the sell o't, is langer than ony town in England."

Ye see, sir, there was a king's sloop down in Wigton Bay, and Frank Kennedy, he behoved to have her up to chase Dirk Hatteraick's lugger. He was a daring cheild, and fought his ship till she blew up like peelings of ingans." "And Mr. Bertram's child," said the stranger, "what is all this to him?"

"Hout, sir, ye ken little about Scotland; it's no for want of gude vivers the best of fish, flesh, and fowl hae we, by sybos, ingans, turneeps, and other garden fruit. But we hae mense and discretion, and are moderate of our mouths; but here, frae the kitchen to the ha', it's fill and fetch mair, frae the tae end of the four-and-twenty till the tother.

He was a daring chield, and he fought his ship till she blew up like peelings of ingans; and Frank Kennedy, he had been the first man to board, and he was flung like a quarter of a mile off, and fell into the water below the rock at Warroch Point, that they ca' the Gauger's Loup to this day. 'And Mr. Bertram's child, said the stranger, 'what is all this to him?

He was a daring chield, and he fought his ship till she blew up like peelings of ingans; and Frank Kennedy he had been the first man to board, and he was flung like a quarter of a mile off, and fell into the water below the rock at Warroch Point, that they ca' the Gauger's Loup to this day." "And Mr. Bertram's child," said the stranger, "what is all this to him?"

"Hout, sir, ye ken little about Scotland; it's no for want of gude vivers the best of fish, flesh, and fowl hae we, by sybos, ingans, turneeps, and other garden fruit. But we hae mense and discretion, and are moderate of our mouths; but here, frae the kitchen to the ha', it's fill and fetch mair, frae the tae end of the four-and-twenty till the tother.