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I was very glad that Rupert's influenza kept him at home for a few days. I told him briefly that I had been bullied, but that it was my own fault, and I would rather say no more about it. I begged him to promise that he would not take up my quarrel in any way, but leave me to fight it out for myself, which he did. When he came back I think he regretted his promise.

Spanish influenza, it was called, for no more visible reason than that it probably had its beginnings in Germany or India. On the Wednesday of Mrs. Schum's funeral five of the Amusement Enterprise office force were home with it, one little telephone operator, who occasionally laid the surreptitious offering of an orange or a carnation on Lilly's desk, succumbing.

Doubles them up black and blue in convulsions. Shame really. Got off lightly with illnesses compared. Only measles. Flaxseed tea. Scarlatina, influenza epidemics. Canvassing for death. Don't miss this chance. Dogs' home over there. Poor old Athos! Be good to Athos, Leopold, is my last wish. Thy will be done. We obey them in the grave. A dying scrawl. He took it to heart, pined away. Quiet brute.

Ah! they were all Expressionists now, he had heard, on the Continent. So it was coming here too, was it? He remembered the first wave of influenza in 1887 or '8 hatched in China, so they said. He wondered where this this Expressionism had been hatched. The thing was a regular disease! He had become conscious of a woman and a youth standing between him and the "Future Town."

The endocrines will assist him in the great body of diseases for which no immunity test is at hand. Should another influenza epidemic come along, for instance, the proper handling, from the endocrine standpoint, of the thymocentrics and the related adrenocentrics would help considerably in lowering the mortality.

Complete rest is indicated. Laxatives, stimulants and tonics should be given if necessary. NEPHRITIS. Congestion and inflammation of the kidneys commonly occur in mixed and specific infectious diseases, such as septicaemia, pyaemia and influenza.

"Yes," Hilda replied, fingering absently the clinical thermometer that with a lot of other gear lay on the table. "It's nearly 105. It can't last like this. It won't. I've been through it with him before, but not quite so bad." "I didn't think anyone could have influenza twice, so soon," Edwin murmured. "Neither did I," said she.

Virginia sent the largest delegation in her history to the national convention in Washington in December and it was upon the advice of the returning delegates that emphasis was laid upon enrollment of those who desired woman suffrage. Because of the influenza epidemic no State convention was held in 1918. The enrollment of 32,000 men and women was accomplished in 1919, Mrs.

"I'd like to, but " "You can get a bed here and send over for your things. Your two ladies are in the other hotel, I suppose." "Yes. We knew you were here and Miss Battersby seemed a little afraid of catching influenza, so we went to the other." "That's all right. You'll be quite safe for the night if you stop here." "I wish I could, but " "You'll not do any good by talking to Lalage.

Portheris solemnly, "that eucalyptus in another form saved my life. But I inhaled it." "Tho," ventured Brother Demetrius, "tho did I. But the wine ith for internal drinking." "Listen to him! Eternal drinking, that's what he means. You never saw such an old boy for the influenza gets it every week or so. How many bottles, madam?