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When the captain was passive in the hands of his foe, the cockswain produced sundry pieces of sennit, marline, and ratlin-stuff, from his pockets, which appeared to contain as great a variety of small cordage as a boatswain's storeroom, and proceeded to lash the arms of the conquered soldier to the posts of his bed, with a coolness that had not been disturbed since the commencement of hostilities, a silence that seemed inflexible, and a dexterity that none but a seaman could equal.

Where were the pepper-and-salt trousers and the formal black coat and vest, which seemed somehow to symbolise the inflexible severity of Bulldog's reign? and the hat, and the gloves, and the stick what had become of his trappings?

Lord Alverstone voted against his Canadian than colleagues. It was a just decision, as most well-informed Canadians knew at the time. The troublesome question was settled; the time-honored friendship of two great peoples had suffered no interruption; and Roosevelt had secured for his country its just due, without public parade or bluster, by merely being wise and inflexible in time.

It was not without good reason that she concealed from her the fact of her father's captivity. The stern and inflexible Dansowich had ever viewed with an eye of disapproval the connexion between his people and the counsellors at Gradiska; and the latter, aware of this, would not have been likely to take much pains for the release of one who was unfavourable to their interests.

To influence him He made the brook run dry whence Elijah drew water for his thirst. As this failed to soften the inflexible prophet, God resorted to the expedient of causing him pain through the death of the son of the widow with whom Elijah was abiding, and by whom he had been received with great honor.

Wallenstein, humiliated by his defeat, had fallen back into Bohemia, and now, with moderation strangely inconsistent with his previous career, urged the emperor to conciliate the Protestants by publishing a decree of general amnesty, and by proposing peace on favorable terms. But the iron will of Ferdinand was inflexible.

She took the final vows under the compulsion of her inflexible father, then continued her role of devote to admirable purpose.

But will not anything be better than the binding of a matrimonial knot which cannot be again unloosed, and which we should both regret? I do not know that I need add anything further. What can I add further? Only this; that I am inflexible.

Do not be inflexible with others; forgive La Valliere." "I cannot; she has offended me." "But for my sake." "Sire, it is for your sake I would do anything in the world, except that." "You will drive me to despair you compel me to turn to the last resource of weak people, and seek counsel of my angry and wrathful disposition." "I advise you to be reasonable." "Reasonable! I can be so no longer."

After this the general remained three or four days, to see if the king would change his mind; but he continued inflexible, and strengthened himself with armed men, as jealous of being attacked. Finding that nothing could be done here, the general went on his voyage, and arrived at Melinda on the 2d of August.