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While these pages were passing through the press, the author received a letter from the present Robert Stewart of Ardvoirlich, favouring him with the account of the unhappy slaughter of Lord Kilpont, differing from, and more probable than, that given by Bishop Wishart, whose narrative infers either insanity or the blackest treachery on the part of James Stewart of Ardvoirlich, the ancestor of the present family of that name.

But" he looked very gravely across at Siward "if you don't mean Quarrier " He hesitated, ill at ease under the expressionless scrutiny of the other. "Do you know what's the matter with me, Plank?" he asked at length. "I think so." "I have wondered. I wonder now how much you know." "Very little, Siward." "How much?" Plank looked up, hesitated, and shook his head: "One infers from what one hears."

He talks of William imitating him in all he did, and calling for ale because his father was recommended to drink it. "If I should smoke," he said, "William would instantly call for a pipe;" and, he wisely infers, "I must take care what I do."

Meantime I will correct that curious fellow Pepys' Diary, I mean the article I have made of it for the Quarterly. Edinburgh, January 16. Came through cold roads to as cold news. Hurst and Robinson have suffered a bill of £1000 to come back upon Constable, which I suppose infers the ruin of both houses. We shall soon see.

Bletson, overjoyed at the turn the matter had taken for the defiance was scarce out of his mouth ere he began to tremble for the consequences answered with great eagerness and servility of manner, "Nay, dearest Colonel, say no more of it an apology is all that is necessary among men of honour it neither leaves dishonour with him who asks it, nor infers degradation on him who makes it."

Owen's favourite dogma is worth a moment's notice. He was never tired of repeating that 'character is formed by circumstances'; from which he placidly infers that no man deserves praise or blame for his conduct. The inference, it must be admitted, is an awkward one in any ethical system. It represents, probably, Owen's most serious objection to the religions of the world.

Condillac applied to the mind the theory, true in 'the chemistry of the material chemists, that the 'compounds are the elements themselves. He errs when he infers from the analogy that a feeling which arises out of others can be resolved into them.

Mr Hope stood leaning against the door-post, with his arms folded, and was not long in settling the question whether the letter should go. "Frank will think that I am in love," he considered. "He will not understand the real state of my feeling. He will think that I am in love. I should conclude so in his place. But what matters it what he infers and concludes?

Barretier some false conceptions of the king's design; for he infers, from the introduction of his son to the young princes, and the caresses which he received from them, that the king intended him for their preceptor; a scheme, says he, which some other resolution happily destroyed.

However reasonable this practice appeared to the Laird of Dumbiedikes, he ought to have observed, that it may be overdone, and that it infers, as a matter of course, the destruction and loss of both horse, and cart, and loading. Even so it befell when the additional "prestations" came to be demanded of Benjamin Butler.