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The home was an excavation in the soft earth, held together by the roots of an overturned tree, and everything was quiet when we arrived the two well-grown infants sound asleep on their hair mattress. We sat down to wait, and in a moment we heard the anxious "pip" of the returning parents.

The garden had been planned in the days when it was easy to put a dozen slaves to uprooting weeds or trimming flower beds, and had passed in later years to the breathless ministrations of negro infants, whose experience varied from the doubtful innocence of the crawling age to the complete sophistication of six or seven years.

"''Tain't the Scripture I'm doubtin', says Ma, 'it's you. "'That isn't as bad, he says, smilin', but I could see he was scared. You know how Ma is especially when you ain't used to her. "'I'd like to ask, says Ma, 'whether you believe that unbaptised infants is goin' to be saved. "'Why, yes, he says. 'I do, "'I suspicioned it, Ma says. Oh, her voice was awful!

Bingle was convinced, as time went on, that the tags on certain infants had been accidentally misplaced by careless attendants, and that Reginald's nick-name, bestowed by Frederick and Wilberforce in their frivolous wisdom, was not so far out of the way as it might have seemed if he had not been possessed of his own vague misgivings. They called him Abey.

If from the first a baby is "held out" always after being nursed, it learns to urinate at that time, and the clumsy diapers can be dispensed with in a few months. No ordinary pins should be used, and as few safety pins as possible. Tapes properly arranged will keep all secure. With infants, as with older children, it is a mistake to heap on too much clothing.

Mothers frequently disregard these directions, and the failure of their infants to nurse properly may be thus explained, for it is impossible to secure undisturbed nursing unless they are obeyed. Generally the breasts are employed alternately, but both may be used at each nursing if one is insufficient.

We will not rest until the day of the dealer is over, forever. Good health care is every American's right and every American's responsibility. So we are proposing an aggression program of new prevention initiatives for infants, for children, for adults, and for the elderly to promote a healthier America and to help keep costs from spiraling.

For the Lord provides that no one shall be condemned to hell on account of hereditary evils, but only on account of the evils that the man has actually made his own by his life, as can be seen from the lot of infants after death, all of whom are adopted by the Lord, educated under His auspices in heaven, and saved.

"The crocodile will not devour its own little ones," said he, "a jackal or a hyena will give its life for its whelps, and am I to drink the blood of Egyptian infants, who are my children? Indeed, I never could have believed that anyone would dare to prescribe means so unworthy."

When the Magi did not return, Herod knew that they had avoided him. He was very angry indeed, and in order to be sure of killing the poor little Infant Jesus, he had all the infants or children in or near Bethlehem who were not over two years old put to death. We honor these first little martyrs who suffered for Christ on the feast of Holy Innocents three days after Christmas.