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But heaven sometimes converts our impossibles and inevitables into the very best blessings we have most right, most natural, and most dear. As to Christian herself, she was, even externally, greatly changed.

Wilhelm had all along thoroughly realised that war with Austria was among the inevitables between him and the accomplishment of his aims, and had accepted it as such when it was yet afar off; but when confronted full with it his nerve failed him, and Bismarck engaged among other things for just such an emergency had to act as the spur to prick the side of his master's intent.

She lifted her face to the young man's, and her lips pouted almost imperceptibly. It could not have been said that she was inviting a kiss, but no man could have avoided kissing her. George Ramsey kissed her as naturally as he breathed. There seemed to be nothing else to do. It was one of the inevitables of life. Then Lily opened the door and slid into the house with a tremulous good-night.

Lamentable as this state of things undoubtedly was, it was nevertheless one of the inevitables of pressing.

It is in the great contrasts and the essential parallelism of the French and the Anglo-Saxon democratic systems that one finds the best practical reason for anticipating very profound changes in these two inevitables of democracy, the Press and the lawyer-politician, and for assuming that the method of democracy has still a vast range of experimental adjustment between them still untried.

His advisor was fortunately able to go the whole way with him as he discussed his hereditary "inevitables" the whole way and then, savingly, some steps beyond and for the first time Kent's understanding, now reaching for higher truths than would satisfy the fatalist, was wisely, personally conducted through a wholesome interpretation of the distinction between the heritage of germinal and of somatic attributes, that vital distinction: that it takes but two ancestors to determine the species of the offspring, but that the individual's personal heritage is the result of, and may be influenced by, a thousand forerunners; that dominant characteristics, compelling though they seem, may be neutralized by obscure, recessive characteristics.

"It is one of the inevitables," said I, "and we must save our strength for those that are willing to help themselves." "What's all this talk about?" said Bob, coming in upon us rather brusquely. "Oh, as usual, the old question," said I, "'What's to be done with her?" "Well," said Bob, "it's exactly what I've come to talk with mother about.

The cobra at the point of stillness was like dark dulled jewels against it dulled so that the raying of the jewels would not obscure the contour. She had seemed utterly tall, utterly enfolding; his relation to her, one of the inevitables of creation. Nothing could ever happen to take her away for long. Matters which men call life and death were mere exigencies of his scheme and hers together.

"Le Bouddha infiniment resplendissant lui apparut dans le meme moment, guerit la tete et le corps fendus du Khoutoukhtou, le prit par la main et lui dit: "Fils d'illustre origine! Vois les suites inevitables de ton voeu; mais parce que tu l'avais fait pour l'illustration de tous les Bouddhas, tu as ete gueri sur-le-champ.

The worst of it is that the resultant personal tragedies cannot be dismissed as transient inevitables. The heredity of the internal secretions determines that the offspring of these women are bound to be pituitary unstable, the least desirable of endocrine instabilities because of the concomitant mental effects.