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He is, taking averages, one who has been loved, as the saying goes, by but one woman, and then only as a second, third or nth choice. If any other woman had ever loved him, as the idiom has it, she would have married him, and so made him ineligible for his present happiness.

They become laws if not returned within ten days, unless their return is prevented by adjournment; in which case they will become laws if not sent back within three days after the commencement of the next session. Executive. The governor is elected for four years, and is ineligible the next four. Age, twenty-eight years; citizenship, and residence in the state four years. A lieutenant-governor.

All colleges should debar freshmen from participation in intercollegiate athletic contests. Playing baseball with organizations not under the national agreement should not render athletes ineligible for college teams. College should adopt the honor system of holding examinations. All colleges should abolish hazing. The climate of our country is changing. Macbeth's wife was the cause of his ruin.

Spartacus was killed, after having broken through the lines, and most of his followers were destroyed; but six thousand escaped into Cisalpine Gaul, as the northern part of Italy was then called, and met Pompey on his victorious return from Spain, by whom they were utterly annihilated. Pompey claimed the merit of ending the servile war, and sought the honor of the consulship, although ineligible.

Any citizen of the United States and qualified elector of the state, is eligible to the office of governor or lieutenant-governor. A secretary of state, a treasurer, and an attorney-general, are elected for two years. Sheriffs, coroners, registers of deeds, and district-attorneys, are elected in counties, for two years. Sheriffs are ineligible for the next two years. Judiciary.

"Hullo!" thought the tutor, "has the bank stopped payment, or the Maxfield securities been robbed?" "Well, sir?" "It's a private matter, and I should not mention it if it were not for the talk which is going to and fro about young Mr Ingleton's lost brother. I understand there's a claimant for the title, and not a very eligible one." "On the contrary, most ineligible," said the tutor.

The society of the White Sulphur seems perfectly easy of access, but the ineligible will find that it is able, like that of Washington, to protect itself. It was not without a little shock that King heard the good points, the style, the physical perfections, of Irene so fully commented on, and not without some alarm that he heard predicted for her a very successful career as a belle.

A cold critic must remember that in the first place there was no disarmament of anybody after the events of October fifth, the only action of the Convention which might even be construed into hostility being a decree making emigrants ineligible for election to the legislature under the new constitution; that in the second place this story attributes to destiny what was really due to the friendship of Barras, a fact which his beneficiary would have liked to forget or conceal; and finally, that the beneficiary left another account in which he confessed that he had first met his wife at Barras's house, this being confirmed by Lucien in his memoirs.

Corporations are forbidden to contribute, and the amount that candidates themselves may give is limited in many States. These exactions are reinforced by stringent laws against bribery. Persons found guilty of either receiving or soliciting a bribe are generally disfranchised or declared ineligible for public office for a term of years. Illinois, for the second offense, forever disfranchises.

"My friends," said the youth last arrived, when the first greetings were over, "Truth's Palace might be a not ineligible residence were not the inmates necessitated not merely to know the truth but to speak it, and did not all innocent embellishments of her majestic person become entirely inefficient and absolutely nugatory.