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Now, however, she had no leisure to think of it, and hurried downstairs to the drawing-room, where she found Théo walking restlessly up and down. "Brigit," he burst out abruptly, as she came in, "when will you marry me?" "Good gracious, Théo what what has put that into your head?" she parried ineffectively, sitting down, as he did not offer to give her any further greeting. "Into my head?

And, boy," to the messenger outside, "pass the word for Cupid to bring us along some cocoa from the galley." "There's no need," remarked Nugent, the master's mate, as he struggled ineffectively to find the left sleeve of his jacket. "The word has already been passed; I passed it myself when Master Cock-robin there," pointing to Copplestone, "came and roused us out.

I'm afraid, Lieutenant Bucky O'Connor, that you're a much overrated man. Your reputation sure would have blown up, if you had lived. You ought to thank me for preserving it." "Preserving it how?" "By bumping you off before you've lost it." "Sho! You wouldn't do that," the ranger murmured ineffectively. "We'll see. Jeff, I put him in your charge. Search him, and take him to Hank's cabin.

As for the man whom the Welshman was supposed to have awakened, he disclaimed all responsibility upon the ground that, if called at all which he did not believe he had been called so ineffectively as to be quite unconscious of the circumstance.

Presently a simple piece was selected through which the unskilled Carolyn might be trusted to pick her way. Cope listened with a decorous attention which was designed to indicate the highest degree of sympathetic interest; but his attitude, so finely composed within, yet so ineffectively displayed without, was as nothing to the loud promptness of Pearson's praise.

Wearing a quiet lounge suit but no top coat, with a hat not so soft as to lack character but soft enough to stick upon one's head in time of action, and carrying a stick neither brutishly stout nor ineffectively slender, he strolled up to Seventh Avenue, turned north, entered Central Park and strolled no more. Kindly shadows enfolded him, engulfed him altogether.

And even if mankind shall go on, founding heroic cities, practising heroic virtues, rising steadily from strength to strength; even if his work shall be fulfilled, his friends consoled, his wife remarried by a better than he; how shall this alter, in one jot, his estimation of a career which was his only business in this world, which was so fitfully pursued, and which is now so ineffectively to end?

The more or less incidental behavior in connection with this experiment more strongly than the statistical results of the work on problem 2 indicate the existence of imagery. That ideas played a part in the solution of the problem is probable, but at best they functioned very ineffectively.

These he collected carefully into a bundle while the helpless girl watched him. Finally he came to her and pulled the blankets from her. He stooped and unlaced her boots, pulling them off. One woolen stocking was jerked roughly from a foot as delicate as a babe's. She tried to kick, feebly and ineffectively. Her feet, half frozen from sleeping in the boots, were like lead.

Here have I been ineffectively trying to waken the fellow for the past hour. But I forgot that he who wishes the end must wish the means, and my regard for the ritual of the mosque was absurd." He retired into the alcove to dress, keeping a watchful eye upon old Paul. He felt himself to be in the highest state of physical efficiency. From head to foot he was beyond criticism. When Mr.