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"Say come," answered Noie in the same tongue. "Read his black heart and find out truth; he no can keep it from you. Say come with soldiers. If he behave bad, tell them kill him. They obey you. No mind me. I not afraid of that wild beast now." Then Rachel said to the indunas: "I hear the King's word, and understand that he wishes me to receive this Ibubesi.

We come not alone, for we are the sons and Indunas of Death, And he guides our feet to the doomed. Red rises the moon o'er the plain, red sinks the sun in the west, Look, wizards, and bid them farewell! We count you by hundreds, you who cried for a curse on the king. Ha! soon shall we bid YOU farewell!

Advocate: He had every opportunity of knowing what took place and what was said? Witness: Yes. Advocate: You will be surprised to hear that Mr. Trichard states that you actually passed sentence upon the thirteen indunas in such words as, 'I hand you over to the Native Commissioner and Field-cornet to be dealt with according to law.

Maids were many, let the king take them and satisfy his heart, but let him make no war for this one. Thus I spoke boldly in the face of the king, as none had dared to speak before Chaka; and courage passed from me to the hearts of the other indunas and generals, and they echoed my words, for they knew that, of all follies, to begin a new war with the Swazi people would be the greatest.

"'We hadna ridden half a mile before we saw the indunas and their men, ten thousand if there was one, and terrible as an army with banners. I speak feeguratively, for they hadna the scrap of a flag among them. They were beating the war-drums, and the young men were dancing with their big skin shields and wagging their ostrich feathers, so I saw they were out for business.

Now this was a good man, but no luck went with his teaching, which was hard to understand; and, moreover, the indunas did not like it, because it seemed to set a master over the master, and a king over the king, and to preach of peace to those whose trade was war.

Judge: And then as regards the thirteen indunas, if they were indunas, as you deny sentencing them we need not refer further to that point, but I put this to you there was no evidence brought against them? Witness: No.

"We, the indunas, wished her to marry, but for her own reasons she would not marry; also we wished to swear allegiance to Chaka, but she was against it, saying that as well might a lamb swear allegiance to a wolf as the Umpondwana to the Zulus.

"Even though it be so, accidents often bring greater evil in their results than the most deliberate wrong-doing for such is the rule of life." "That is so!" buzzed the indunas grouped on either side of the king. "Au! hear the wisdom of the Burning North Wind!" "Well, then, in this matter atonement must be made. It appears that one only was concerned in it, and that one is Nomtyeketye."

So Makedama, my father, bade the people do the bidding of the king, for neither he nor the indunas saw his purpose, but I, who knew his wicked heart, I saw it. Then the people filed past to the right and to the left by hundreds and by thousands, and presently the grass of the slopes could be seen no more, because of their number.