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It goes without saying that Madeline was an indifferentist in politics and on social questions; at the introduction of such topics, she smiled. Zillah's position was one of more difficulty. With nothing of her sisters' superficial cleverness, with a mind that worked slowly, and a memory irretentive, she had a genuine desire to instruct herself, and that in a solid way.

Through all these stages Milton passed in the space of twenty years Church-Puritan, Presbyterian, Royalist, Independent, Commonwealth's man, Oliverian. These political phases were not the acquiescence of a placeman, or indifferentist, in mutations for which he does not care; still less were they changes either of party or of opinion.

Were he a different sort of man, Liza and Katya might not have come to grief. October, 1889. I am afraid of those who look for a tendency between the lines, and who are determined to regard me either as a liberal or as a conservative. I am not a liberal, not a conservative, not a believer in gradual progress, not a monk, not an indifferentist.

But Tone was the type of pagan who refuses to persecute, like Gallio: Pitt was the type of pagan who consents to persecute; and his place is with Pilate. He was an intolerant indifferentist; ready to enfranchise the Papists, but more ready to massacre them. Thus, once more, the two pagans, Tone and Castlereagh, found a pagan end in suicide.

He had shown himself capable of a transmutation as valuable as it is rare in men, the change from pestering lover to staunch friend, and this was all he had got for it. But even an old lover sunk to an indifferentist might have been tempted to spend an unoccupied half-hour in discovering particulars now, and Christopher had not lapsed nearly so far as to absolute unconcern.

A military Richelieu, an absolutist in politics, an indifferentist in religion, caring at least for the religious quarrel only as it affected the political question, he aimed at crushing the independence of all the princes, Catholic as well as Protestant, and making the Emperor, or rather Wallenstein in the name of the Imperial devotee, as much master of Germany as the Spanish king was of Spain.

I was born, I suspect, an indifferentist, as far as this life is concerned, and as to another life, I have an acquired antipathy." "That is curious, but not incredible, and of course not inconceivable," the closest listener assented. "I'm not so sure of that," a light skirmisher broke his silence for the first time.

One can't come to close quarters with the realities of life with sorrow, with great joy, with temptation, with sin or with heroic virtue, with death, with the birth of a new soul, with any of the awful, wonderful realities of life and continue to be an indifferentist in matters of religion, do you think?"

'Berta, why did we come down here? said Picotee. 'To see the nakedness of the land. It was a whim only, and as it will end in nothing, it is not worth while for me to make further explanation. It was with a curious sense of renunciation that Ethelberta went homeward. Neigh was handsome, grim-natured, rather wicked, and an indifferentist; and these attractions interested her as a woman.

And then, nowadays, one is so apt to be an indifferentist in matters of religion and Catholicism is so exacting. One remains a Protestant from the love of ease." "And from the desire, on the part of a good many Englishmen at least, to sail in a boat of their own not to get mixed up with a lot of foreign publicans and sinners no?" she suggested.