United States or Tunisia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

No one had expected a catastrophe to occur quite so suddenly, and the uncertainty as to what was going on elsewhere had a paralyzing effect on all decisions. What one could do in the way of defense had been or was being done, but there were absolutely no indications as to the side from which the enemy might be expected.

It is well-known that gold is the offspring of Agni. Guided by the indications afforded by the auditions of the Veda, one that is conversant with authorities and that knows the identity of gold with fire, acts in this way. Placing a piece of gold on some blades of Kusa grass spread out on the ground, the sacrificer pours libations upon it.

The African agrarian law is definitely placed by the treatise De Viris Ill. 73, 1 in 651; and this date accords with the termination, which had taken place just shortly before, of the Jugurthine war. The second agrarian law belongs beyond doubt to 654. All indications point to this conclusion.

The surface indications were that Smith had the necessary number of votes, but to those of us who were able accurately to analyze the situation it was apparent that the froth would soon pass away.

He acted as one of the guides of general Hull's army to Detroit; and, prior to the actual investment of fort Wayne, an account of which will be presently given he was employed by the Indian agent at Piqua, on an important and delicate mission. The Indians around fort Wayne were giving indications of a disposition to abandon their neutrality.

In the Southern States of the Union, thirty or forty per cent. of the population will give at once distinct evidence of impressibility. In the more northern, about ten per cent. will give indications of an influence from the hand. A moderate degree of impressibility which is almost universal in the South, belongs to more than half in the North.

The cruise was resumed an hour later, and during the afternoon a close watch was kept for suitable camping places. The indications all presaged bad weather, and there was no doubt that rain would set in by morning if not sooner. About four o'clock a camping ground was discovered that met with general approval a sheltered spot amid great pine trees on the right bank.

The penalty of it is a gradual decline of the unused powers, growing difficulty of sustained attention, dislike for what requires effort of mind, loss of wider interests, restlessness and superficiality in reading, and other indications of diminution of power in the years when it ought to be on the increase. Is this the fault of those who so decline in power?

External indications of age are required chiefly where the face is veiled, or where the woman observed precedes the observer and may reasonably excite his interest. In either of these cases, if the foot and ankle have lost a certain moderate plumpness, and assumed a certain sinewy or bony appearance, the woman has generally passed the period of youth.

Sullenly, reluctantly, they seemed to accept the situation, and no further indications of revolt were seen that day. Popular young men, the bravest of their several tribes, were appointed by Multnomah to fill the vacant chieftainships; and that did much toward allaying the discontent.