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Both Bude and his wife were devoted to yachting, and the isles might yield something in the way of natural history. Macrae, and one from Logan to Merton. Logan was hard by, cruising with his cousin, Admiral Chirnside, at the naval manoeuvres on the northeast coast. He would come to Inchnadampf at once. Mr. Macrae heard from Gianesi and Giambresi. Gianesi himself was coming with a fresh machine.

And now, from what you told me this morning at Inchnadampf, it seems that there is no understanding between you and this lady, Miss Macrae. 'There is none, said Merton. 'I tried to keep my feelings to myself I'm ashamed to say that I doubt if I succeeded. 'Any chance? asked Logan, putting his arm in Merton's in the old schoolboy way. 'I would rather not speak about it, said Merton.

Merton found Logan, with his Spanish bull-dog, Bouncer, loafing outside the hotel door at Inchnadampf. He greeted Merton in a state of suppressed glee; the whole adventure was much to the taste of the scion of Rostalrig. Merton handed him Mr. Macrae's letter of invitation. 'Come, won't I come, rather! said Logan. 'Of course we must wait to rest the horses, said Merton.

Macrae on the previous evening, and mentioned that he was now likely to be at Inchnadampf. Mr. Macrae knew something of Logan, and before he sped the parting detectives, asked Merton whether he thought that he might send a note to Inchnadampf inviting his friend to come and bear him company?

But she declined to accept a present for doing her duty, and expressed lively sympathy for the poor young lady who was lost. In a few days a diamond-studded watch and chain arrived for Miss MacTurk. Merton himself wired to Logan, imploring him, in the name of friendship, to abandon all engagements, and come to Inchnadampf.

But it is truly a far way to this anonymous lake and all round the regular fishing inns, like Inchnadampf and Forsinard there is usually quite a little crowd of anglers. The sport is advertised in the newspapers; more and more of our eager fellow-creatures are attracted, more and more the shooting tenants are preserving waters that used to be open.

'Let me wire to-morrow by the old-fashioned way, said Merton; 'I hear that one need not go to Lairg to wire. One can do that from Inchnadampf, much nearer. That is quicker than steaming to Loch Inver. 'Thank you very much, Mr. Merton; I must be here myself. You had better take the motor trouble dazes a man I forgot the motor when I ordered the tandem this morning. 'Very good, said Merton.

'Well, he answered at last, 'I accept your very gallant and generous proposal. 'I am overjoyed! said Logan. He had never been in such a big thing before. 'I shall order my two best horses to be saddled after breakfast, said Mr. Macrae. 'You will bait at Inchnadampf. 'Here is my address; this will always find me, said Logan, writing rapidly on a leaf of his note-book.

'Escape of De Wet, he read. 'Disasters to the Imperial Yeomanry. Strike of Cigarette Makers. Great Fire at Hackney. 'There! he exclaimed triumphantly. 'We might have gone to bed in London, and not known all that till we got the morning papers to-morrow. And here we are fifty miles from a railway station or a telegraph office no, we're nearer Inchnadampf.

The first message from the Gianesi invention was dated 'The Seven Hunters. Here was a clue. 'Are the islands inhabited? asked Merton. 'Just wi' wild goats, and, maybe, fishers drying their fish. And three men in a lighthouse on one of them, said the doctor. They now rushed up to the hotel and telegraph office of Inchnadampf.